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Legic Prime support
Description of the feature you're suggesting.
Legic Prime is a standard similar to Mifare and it is common in europe.
It would be helpful to be able to read and emulate the legic prime cards just like mifare.
(The algorithm is also available in the Proxmark3 source code, like the Mifare one)
Anything else?
The flipper project is really interesting. Legic Prime support would make it a lot more practical.
Legic Prime is really common here in europe. There is a big market for cheap access systems and the fact that it is totally reversed (broken) does not mean security consultants don't recommend it anymore. This would be a great addition for the flipper :+1: .
I am not sure but seems like the hardware should be capable of it. For reference see the implementation of proxmark3 like @Builderhummel mentioned:
and its implementations:
https://github.com/Proxmark/proxmark3/blob/master/armsrc/legicrf.c https://github.com/Proxmark/proxmark3/blob/master/common/legic_prng.c
can't really help on the implementing front here but i have the hardware to test it, just ping me up
We'll come back to this after RFID rewriting in C
@skotopes Thanks. The Frequency tag is wrong tho, since Legic Prime uses 13,56 MHz.
Worth noting that the Proxmark sources use its built-in FPGA, so adapting the code is going to be challenging.
Here is a talk about how the Legic protocol was reversed: https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2009/Fahrplan/events/3709.en.html The linked slides have a lot of detail.
@skotopes is there any progress?
@DrZlo13 wanna take a look?
@skotopes is there any progress?
Can you attach RFID RAW records here?
@skotopes i have one but is my work card But I found a patch for LegicPrime on the site, maybe that will help:
https://itooktheredpill.irgendwo.org/2010/mensakarte-entschluesselt/ https://itooktheredpill.irgendwo.org/2010/legic-karten-beschreiben/ "Den eigentlichen Patch gibt es hier: legicfastreader.diff"
legicfastreader.diff legicfastreader.diff.txt
I don't know anything about programming but it looks like c+
We still need some keys or records. Is there any place where we can order it online?
@skotopes One of their obscurity strategies is afaik to (almost) only sell B2B. But after some searching, I found this shop in the UK that doesn't require you to request a quote: https://www.windmill-computing.com/products/view-one/pn/BDG-ISO-LEGIC-P1024/page/smart-cards
@panki27 @Astrrra will research this protocol when she get time
HI! Support for Legic Prime is technically possible for us, we will implement it in the future.
@Astrrra I suspect I have some legic cards and I did a raw read from rfid menu. Lmk if the files can be of help. Ability to read/emulate those would be awesome.
Hi! It looks like this FR belongs to this forum post: https://forum.flipperzero.one/t/legic-prime/14159 Right?
Legic Prime is technically all about timing, there are good resources about problems with timing and their solutions while emulating tags on the proxmark forum and their source. The tag raw values are "encrypted" with a XOR value also present on each card. Most importantly they use custom non-standard crc8 and crc16 generators to validate values present on the card which need to be calculated on the fly if emulating cards.
Also here the proxmark forum is a very good source of knowledge for prime tags.. Raw support for Legic Prime tags would be really awesome, where one could build an app upon :)
Hey @gornekich @skotopes any updates?
Not really