Flipper-iOS-App icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Flipper-iOS-App copied to clipboard

iOS Mobile App to rule all Flipper's family

Results 16 Flipper-iOS-App issues
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Xcode 14.3 (14E222b) It's not possible to launch Flipper(iOS) target without scheme.

I think hacker device's companion app should be compatible with hacked iPhones. Since there's no jailbreak for iOS 15 or newer, we need a backport :) Changed deployment target to...


I'm not sure yet of a root cause, but a combination of rebooting the flipper and the Flipper app on macOS Ventura 13.6 seems to get it back to working...

Can we get precompiled releases so we can sideload qflipper as an option?

**Describe the solution you'd like** I would like to request a feature that would allow for NFC/RFID Keys to be saved to a paired mobile device to be emulated later...


It would be very helpful to me to view the release notes before upgrading the firmware. At the moment I, after seeing a new version in the app, go to...

I got the video game module today & tried to install the game module firmware through the ios app. It said "game module firmware installed successfully", then i tried to...