RCActionView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RCActionView copied to clipboard

A customizable bottom menu for iOS, similar to Bottomsheet in Android


CI Status Version License Platform

RCActionView is a reimplementation of sagiwei/SGActionView written entirely in Swift. A customizable bottom menu, similar to Bottomsheet in Android.

Light Black
RCGridView Drawing Drawing
RCAlertView Drawing Drawing
RCSheetView Drawing Drawing


You can use the example project, alternatively you can use the following methods:

For RCAlertView:

RCActionView(style: .Light)
                    .showAlertWithTitle("Alert View",
                                        message: "This is a amessage",
                                        leftButtonTitle: "Cancel",
                                        rightButtonTitle: "OK",
                                        selectedHandle: { (selectedOption:Int) -> Void in
self.doSomething(selectedOption) })

For RCSheetView:

 RCActionView(style: .Light)
                    .showSheetWithTitle("Sheet View",
                                        itemTitles: ["Wedding Bell", "I'm Yours", "When I Was Your Man"],
                                        itemSubTitles: ["Depapepe - Let's go!!!", "Jason Mraz", "Bruno Mars"],
                                        selectedIndex: 0,
                                        selectedHandle: { (selectedOption:Int) -> Void in
self.doSomething(selectedOption) })

For RCGridView:

RCActionView(style: .Light)
                    .showGridMenuWithTitle("Grid View",
                                           itemTitles: ["Facebook", "Twitter", "Google+", "Linkedin", "Weibo", "WeChat", "Pocket", "Dropbox"],
                                           images: [UIImage(named: "facebook")!, UIImage(named: "twitter")!, UIImage(named: "googleplus")!, UIImage(named: "linkedin")!, UIImage(named: "weibo")!, UIImage(named: "wechat")!, UIImage(named: "pocket")!, UIImage(named: "dropbox")!],
                                           selectedHandle: { (selectedOption:Int) -> Void in
self.doSomething(selectedOption) })

The above examples use white styles, for black styles replace

RCActionView(style: .Light)


RCActionView(style: .Black)


RCActionView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "RCActionView", '~> 2.0.0'

Bug, improvements...

You can open issues, pull requests... I will be happy to help

Current projects using RCActionView

Bus n'Tour Mataró

You can Pull Request to add your projects


RCActionView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.