Architecture-of-consoles copied to clipboard
Xbox 360 corrections
Mostly grammatical; the list is large, so prepare yourself!
- Change “Well, now that Microsoft gained more leverage in the console market, they weren’t willing to give away those rights anymore.” to, “Well, now that Microsoft has gained more leverage in the console market, they aren’t willing to give away those rights anymore.”
- Change “For some reason, they don’t allow to use it…” to, “For some reason, they don’t allow you to use it…”
- “very different nature” should be “very different natures”
- Did Athlon X2 and Pentium D include coolers?
- Doesn’t “8-way associative” mean that any cache line has eight possible places it might be stored?
- Change “the expensive Intel’s ‘Smithfield’” to, “Intel’s expensive ‘Smithfield’”, or “the expensive Intel ‘Smithfield’”
- The C in ”cache locking” should not be capitalized.
- Add a period to “Simplified diagram of Xenon’s PowerPC Processing Element (PPE)”
- “Cell’s counterpart” sounds like you/we are referring to Xenon; change it to “Cell’s PPE.” Add a period.
- “To be honest, I’m not sure why technical manuals keep calling Xenon’s PPEs a ‘PPE’ as they better resemble a PPU.” should be “To be honest, I’m not sure why technical manuals keep calling Xenon’s PPEs a ‘PPE’ as they better resemble a PPU.”
- DirectX isn’t the de facto API for Xbox consoles; it is the only API.
- Drop the “it” in “which I wrote it two years ago”.
- “Unlike its competitor” should be changed to “Unlike the PlayStation 3’s Cell”, to remind the reader of the console war after he/she’s been reading about architecture.
- Capitalize the V in “vertex operations or pixel effects?”
- XPS is short for Xbox Procedural Synthesis, not just Procedural Synthesis
- Remove the space in “Direct 3D”
- 4x MSAA, not 4x MSSA
- The U in unified should not be capitalized: “The state of the industry after 15 years has demonstrated that the Unified shader model was meant to become another building block within GPUs.”
- “not only did they standardize this model”, not “not only they standardised this model”
- Make sure “PlayStation” is not “Playstation”
- The XMA can “either” what?
- Note that later revisions of the Xbox 360 have five or four USB ports, and that a USB hub can be used.
- Change “jack pin” to “headphone jack”
- Note that Kinect works nothing like the Wii sensor bar
- Change “The former uses a USB 2.0 connection to plug into the console.” to “The Kinect uses a USB 2.0 connection to plug into the console.
- Is XAM short for “Xbox Achievement Monitor” or “Xbox Achievement Manager”?
- Change “while the rest is named” to “while the rest are named”
- Change “as of ‘1st Boot Loader’” to “as in ‘1st Boot Loader’”
- “Visual C+ 2005+” is “Visual C++ 2005”
- Should “low-end access” be “low-level access”?
- What is ironic about Microsoft only starting to blow refuses with 2.0.4548.0?
- Does “80 updates” mean 80 hypervisor/kernel updates, or does that also include 2BL/CB?
- “checksums of RAM” should be “checksums in RAM”
- “The get past the second-stage bootloader checks” should be “To get past the second-stage bootloader checks”
- Perhaps note that the “video encoder chip is ANA/HANA?
- “And so, new variants of RGH scattered across many forums to face the incoming wave of software updates.” needs to be “And so, new variants of RGH were scattered across many forums to face the incoming wave of software updates.”
- “its flashing utility” should be “his flashing utility”
Much appreciated! I'm going over each correction now.
Did Athlon X2 and Pentium D include coolers?
Just found an unboxing video from 2009 ( and that seems to be the case
Doesn’t “8-way associative” mean that any cache line has eight possible places it might be stored?
iirc that's the way it works.
“To be honest, I’m not sure why technical manuals keep calling Xenon’s PPEs a ‘PPE’ as they better resemble a PPU.” should be “To be honest, I’m not sure why technical manuals keep calling Xenon’s PPEs a ‘PPE’ as they better resemble a PPU.”
What's the difference?
Does “80 updates” mean 80 hypervisor/kernel updates, or does that also include 2BL/CB?
hypervisor/kernel updates only.