De Lille Felix

Results 46 comments of De Lille Felix

Also interested if someone has a clue on how to achieve this ?

I am having a similar issue with Vite and react-diagrams when trying to preview after build. Development works fine. `Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or...

Maybe there is some rollup config possible in Vite.config.js ? Everything on [here]( is possible but i don't know what to look for. I tried ``` build: { outDir: 'build',...

i am still getting this after changing position of a node (dragdrop) which has relations to ports to other nodes) ![image](

i am also having a similar error: ![image](

@qwelol you wrapper which form or element? The custom CanvasWidget or the whole Diagram component ?

I am having the same problem. Tried with Field and AddField

@alexmacarthur Any update or plans on when this could be implemented ? If we want to implement ourself, can you point us to the right line of code where we...

Thanks and what about an example in a cunsumer/host that doesn't use webpack (example blazor or plain JS) ?

@ildar-icoosoft thanks for the code but is there a way not to use aws-sdk ?