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React Native with shadow-cljs on steroids

Results 4 rn-shadow-steroid issues
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Why are components imported from the original "react-native" package split between multiple Clojurescript packages? It's just me, but I found the old way where you only needed to import `steroid.rn.core`...

original issue https://github.com/flexsurfer/rn-shadow-steroid/issues/4 As discussed in #2 and #3 please add wrappers for the following common components. Ideally they should reside in a separate namespace, and don't influence the build...


- Added wrapper for Ionicons and FontAwasone.Button - Updated README [Library doc](https://docs.expo.dev/guides/icons/)

Hello! With the recent update to use `@react-native-picker/picker` and `@react-native-masked-view/masked-view` instead of their `@react-native-community/*` counterparts, when will a 0.2.9 release be deployed? I am currently stuck on an older react...