That's all well and good, but we need your help because it is your application which does not work as expected. Where does the expectation come from? From simsttab's homepage,...
Hello, a real user experience is this: Give the game a beautiful mind! Over time serious players want to step up the plate. Pose the challenge by providing next level(s)...
Well, this book is not free of errors but because Mill is an old game, it gives ultimate ideas for how to design boards and stones: Boards:Page: 4(anno 1785), 6(1600),...
``` Here: offset_coords(Coords) : bagof(X-Y,offset_coord(X-Y),Coords). Should be: offset_coords(Coords) :- bagof(X-Y,offset_coord(X-Y),Coords). ```
``` Well, I can't reproduce this in Linux: $ scryer-prolog/target/release/scryer-prolog -v v0.9.3-119-g42d67495-modified ?- consult(life). error(permission_error(modify,static_procedure,(',')/2),load/1). ?- consult(life). error(permission_error(modify,static_procedure,(',')/2),load/1). ?- consult(life). error(permission_error(modify,static_procedure,(',')/2),load/1). ?- halt. ```
``` Nope...tested with both: #offset_coords : bagof(X-Y,offset_coord(X-Y),Bag),Bag. offset_coords(Coords) : bagof(X-Y,offset_coord(X-Y),Coords). ```
``` $ ./tpl Trealla Prolog (c) Infradig 2020-2022, v2.7.10 ?- [user]. member(x,x). true. ?- member(X,Y). X = x, Y = X. ?- member(x,x). true. ?- length(X,X). error(resource_error(finite_memory),length/2). ?- member(X,Y). Y...
This time without length/2. ``` $ tpl ?- is_set([\\,\]). true. ?- listing. true. ?- is_set([\\,\\]). false. ?- listing. :-module(lists,[member/2,memberchk/2,select/3,selectchk/3,append/2,append/3,subtract/3,union/3,intersection/3,is_set/1,nth1/3,nth0/3,nth1/4,nth0/4,last/2,flatten/2,same_length/2,sum_list/2,prod_list/2,max_list/2,min_list/2,list_to_conjunction/2,conjunction_to_list/2,numlist/3,length/2,reverse/2]). : : true. ?- trace, is_set([\\,\\]). [lists:1] EXIT trace [lists:3] CALL...
Probably a question of feature documentation? v2.7.11 ``` ?- [user]. member(x,x). true. ?- is_set([x,x]); member(A,B). A = x, B = A. ?- module(M). M = user. ?- is_set([x,x]). member(A,B). listing(member)....
Somehow ok but the last test hangs here: Android/Termux : ./tpl tests/issues/test523.pl Neither sort_r nor sort_r_simple solves this hang.