fleet copied to clipboard
Fleet UI: Consistent on-hover effects
Fleet version: (head to the "My account" page in the Fleet UI or run fleetctl --version
Operating system: (e.g. macOS 11.2.3)
Web browser: (e.g. Chrome 88.0.4324)
🧑💻 Expected behavior
Hovering over a "Cancel" button will have the same on-hover styling
💥 Actual behavior
Save query and save policy modal both have underline styling for on-hover of the cancel button. Elsewhere in the UI only darkens the word

TODO: Design clarify on-hover styling, Interface fix styling to be consistent across app
More info
@mike-j-thomas Do you have a preference on the cancel buttons having the underline when being hovered over?
@xpkoala We don't need the underline, thanks.