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Make the Fleet UI home page just a touch sexier
From Mike M:
We've mostly stayed away from spending any time on fluff or niceties in the Fleet core product, so we can focus on features. This is about adding a bit of design love to one of the most impactful pages that Fleet users see, and show to their teams when winning them over to the idea of using an open source platform.
We're accustomed to investing design time on fleetdm.com and other materials; even on the docs. That's great, because it makes Fleet and osquery more attractive. But now let's spend some time giving the core product a similar investment, iteratively, starting with key places where it can have the most impact into making the experience of using Fleet more joyful.
Do you think there are some easy wins we can do to make the logged-in home page of the Fleet UI just a touch sexier?
It's the first page people see when trying Fleet, whether that's with fleetctl preview, in Fleet Sandbox, or in one of our sales demos.
(Same for login page, though that one never comes up one demos)
From most to least impactful, in terms of first impressions:
- logged in home page
- login page
- My device / host details page
Example of current home page:
Example of current login:
@mikermcneil would an image/graphic on the Home page achieve the goal?
cc @mike-j-thomas
@noahtalerman Up to you and @mike-j-thomas
@noahtalerman, @mikermcneil. I have made the Fleet UI home page just a touch sexier. As this concept is labeled "Spiffier" in Figma, I have included (and annotated) features that probably won't make it into v1. Please let me know your thoughts. https://www.figma.com/file/hdALBDsrti77QuDNSzLdkx/%F0%9F%9A%A7-Fleet-EE-(dev-ready%2C-scratchpad)?node-id=8489%3A285565
Thanks @mike-j-thomas. This looks great.
- Does this video exist already? If so, what is the link for the video? I think we can update the dev note with this link. Also, I really like the idea of showing the YouTube video in a modal. What do you think about cutting this for now and instead opening a new tab with the Youtube video so that we can ship this quicker?
- Is this a new "new tab" icon? If so, I like it. What do you think about cutting this for now so that we can ship the other improvements quicker? I'm thinking that we'll want to update all "new tab" icons in the app at some point if you think it makes sense. If you agree, can you please add this new "new tab" icon to a spiffier page in Figma? Thanks :)
- Soon, the UI won't show the "Software" card at all if there's no software (this empty state will never appear). This change is outlined in this issue: #6799. I added your illustration to #6799. I removed the "Software" card from your wireframes for this issue:
What do you think aboute cutting this for now and instead opening a new tab with the Youtube video so that we can ship this quicker?
I'm ok with that. Working on the video now. It will be ready this week.
Is this a new "new tab" icon? If so, I like it.
Yes. Sorry, I meant to add a note. I'm ok with waiting on this too.
Soon, the UI won't show the "Software" card at all if there's no software and I added your illustration to https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/6799. I removed the "Software" card from your wireframes for this issue:
Ok! 👍🏻
@mike-j-thomas is this ready to close?
@noahtalerman, are we good to close this? Are you tracking this on your board?
Hey @mike-j-thomas I think we can leave this issue open. I assigned myself to this issue and removed it form the digital experience board.
@mike-j-thomas I assigned you this issue and added it to the digital experience board.
This way, you can review these changes with @mikermcneil during product design review (evening EST session).
@mike-j-thomas I'd like to deprioritize this issue for now. I removed your assignment and removed the issue from the digital experience board.
Heads up @mikermcneil.