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Notify end user when device is failing one or more policies via the menu icon
As an IT administrator, I want to be able to configure self service in Fleet so that the end user can resolve a failing issue on their company owned device.
As an end user, I want to be notified when my device isn't up to company standards so that I can resolve the issue and continue to get my job done without interruption/distraction.
Add ability to configure self service in Fleet: https://www.figma.com/file/hdALBDsrti77QuDNSzLdkx/?node-id=4357%3A170694
- Parent Epic: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/6026
- Frontend: #5445
- Backend: #4282
- [ ] Add red dot to Fleet desktop taskbar icon if device is failing any policies for premium users only.
- Red badge appears if the device is failing one or more policies.
- Red badge (HEX code D66C7B) is only displayed for Fleet Premium users.
- Ask in #g-interface Slack channel if you need help grabbing the correct icon.
- Examples of a failing issue:
- Device doesn't have the minimum supported OS (macOS, Windows, Linux)
- Device doesn't have the supported Windows build number
- Device doesn't have Firewall enabled (macOS, Windows, Linux)
- Device doesn't have disk encryption enabled (macOS, Windows, Linux)
Current and future use cases
- For end user and IT admin, reducing the number of steps for the end user is important. Why?
- IT admins may prevent end user from accessing internal tools if their device is out of compliance. The end user can't get their work done.
- For end user, ability to confirm that they resolved the issue (refetch) is important. Why?
- User confirms that they will be able to continue work without disruption.
- For IT admin, knowing when the end user's device went out of compliance is important. Why?
- End user can be given a warning before their access to internal tools is revoked.
@chiiph do you know what data Fleet desktop needs to update the taskbar icon? Is this something Fleet desktop already has access to?
There might be a hacky way to get the red dot without changing the Fleet side of things. However, the right way to do this is to expose a new set of APIs that Fleet Desktop has access to to provide this information and will be the foundation to later on show other data.
If the current library doesn't support icons for submenus, we'll just use text (eg. My Device (failing policies)
) for the first iteration.
The device API does include policy information. If the request fails, show some text to indicate that it was not updated (no need to get fancy with changing states).
The device API does include policy information.
I assume you've considered this, but please bare with me just for the sake of making sure we are on the same page:
So far we've had the UI talking to the device API. Fleet Desktop only links to the UI. The vaguely discussed plan was to create a new API for notifications for Fleet Desktop to talk directly to Fleet server. That's also where we would get remediation steps and so on.
We can reuse the API in Fleet Desktop, but that will generate a dependency between two teams: if the API needs to change for something related to interface, we'll need to make sure to keep it backwards compatible with Fleet Desktop (as, even if we update Fleet Desktop as well, an old one might still try to use it).
If we instead create a specific API for this data, it adds a bit of work but it should let the interface team move faster.
Another side of this is that with this API we are also pulling other things such as software data, which won't be needed for the tray. We should make sure we simulate a lot of Fleet Desktops asking for host details at an interval if we go this way.
With this in mind, you rather we reuse the host details API in Fleet Desktop?
+1 to all the above.
We should define a separate endpoint for Fleet Desktop only, for fetching the policies.
- What Tomas said above regarding API compatibility and not breaking Fleet Desktop with new Fleet Server releases.
- Scale: Keeping "UI" and "Fleet Desktop" APIs separate, former is used by N = number of admins, latter is used by M = number of hosts, so the scale/performance-considerations is different. E.g. if a customer deploys Fleet Desktop on 100k+ devices, then this translates to 100k+ devices making these periodic requests, so they should be as light as possible, similar to what we already do for osquery requests.
Just discussed with @sharvilshah. We will go ahead and implement using the existing API for the Beta version. Let's make sure we get a separate endpoint implemented as part of getting Fleet Desktop out of Beta.
de-prioritizing this in favor of our commitments for this quarter. We will revisit further into the quarter.
Hey @mike-j-thomas When you have a moment, would you make and share the icon here? (The red dot showing that "something's wrong" as shown in the screenshot in the main description)
@zhumo, do you just need the dot itself (to lay over the Fleet icon), or do you need the whole Fleet icon with the dot connected to it?
@mike-j-thomas The whole icon with the dot connected to it, please.
Hey @zhumo, please let me know if these sizes are ok, or if you need it delivered any other way. (based on https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/6675#issuecomment-1209818781)
@zwass If you need these assets in a certain format and size, please let Mike Thomas know.
Heads up @pintomi1989, this feature request was brought to feature fest on 2024-02-15 and wasn't prioritized for the current design sprint.