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Add Fleet's CIS policies using best practice GitOps
User story |
As an security engineer using Fleet's best practice GitOps, |
I want to add Fleet's CIS policies for CIS Benchmarks |
so that I can get CIS report w/o translating Fleet's CIS policies from fleetctl apply format. |
- Requestor(s): @pacamaster
- Product designer: @noahtalerman
Change the best practice version to be GitOps compatible but maintain the fleetctl apply
format for backward compatibility.
- [ ] UI changes: TODO
- [ ] CLI usage changes: TODO
- [ ] REST API changes: TODO
- [ ] Permissions changes: TODO
- [ ] Outdated documentation changes: TODO
- [ ] Changes to paid features or tiers: TODO
- [ ] Database schema migrations: TODO
- [ ] Load testing: TODO
ℹ️ Please read this issue carefully and understand it. Pay special attention to UI wireframes, especially "dev notes".
Risk assessment
- Requires load testing: TODO
- Risk level: Low / High TODO
- Risk description: TODO
Manual testing steps
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
Testing notes
- [ ] Engineer (@____): Added comment to user story confirming successful completion of QA.
- [ ] QA (@____): Added comment to user story confirming successful completion of QA.