In my experience with a Balboa BP6013G2, I had to set : `mqtt.setBufferSize(1024);` for everything to work as expected.
I think you can find the scheme in the technical datasheets on their website : https://www.balboawatergroup.com/Technical-Data-Sheets
In my experience, with a Balboa BP613G2, the pinout is exactly the same.
As a temporary workaround, I hard coded the font in the new Terminal() function: `this.term = new Terminal({ fontFamily: 'MesloLGS NF, monospace', fontSize: 12, letterSpacing: 0 });` I had to...
I think it works but it may fail sometimes or be slow because the fonts must be downloaded each time you load GoTTY instead of using the local font files...
Same issue with [Samsung SSD 860 EVO mSATA 500GB].