flutter_map icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flutter_map copied to clipboard

[BUG] Cannot Pan Vertically Inside `ListView`

Open alejandrogiubel opened this issue 1 year ago • 35 comments

Describe The Bug Map inside ListView example not works as expected in android device.

Expected Behavior Map scroll does not scroll the list view

Screenshots & Recordings


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To Reproduce Run the example app

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alejandrogiubel avatar Jul 17 '22 22:07 alejandrogiubel

what version of FlutterMap are you using, and is the example modified at all with any other code ?

ibrierley avatar Jul 18 '22 05:07 ibrierley

I confirm. I have the same problem. Inside SingleChildScrollView doesn't work either

erofcon avatar Jul 18 '22 11:07 erofcon

What version of FlutterMap are you using, and is it the default listview example unmodified ?

ibrierley avatar Jul 18 '22 12:07 ibrierley

I am using the default ListView/SingleChildScrollView. My problem is described here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61744359/google-maps-inside-a-form-in-singlechildscrollview . Is there any solution to this problem for this library? Flutter 3.0.2.

erofcon avatar Jul 18 '22 12:07 erofcon

You are using GoogleMap not FlutterMap.

ibrierley avatar Jul 18 '22 12:07 ibrierley

I am using flutter_map. I gave this as an example that is also in flutter_map for me.

erofcon avatar Jul 18 '22 12:07 erofcon

What version of flutter_map are you using, and are you using the listview example in the examples folder to test ?

ibrierley avatar Jul 18 '22 12:07 ibrierley

Not sure if relevant, but wasn't there that options property about scrolling and patent widget or something like that

JaffaKetchup avatar Jul 18 '22 12:07 JaffaKetchup

allowPanningOnScrollingParent: false, in MapOptions maybe ? It may be relevant, hard to tell without more info

ibrierley avatar Jul 18 '22 12:07 ibrierley

The code I use is the same as in the examples.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Padding(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
      child: ListView(
        scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
        children: [
            height: 500,
            child: FlutterMap(
              options: MapOptions(
                allowPanningOnScrollingParent: false,
                center: LatLng(51.5, -0.09),
                zoom: 5.0,
                plugins: [
                  // ZoomButtonsPlugin(),
              children: <Widget>[
                  options: TileLayerOptions(
                    wmsOptions: WMSTileLayerOptions(
                      baseUrl: 'https://{s}.s2maps-tiles.eu/wms/?',
                      layers: ['s2cloudless-2018_3857'],
                    subdomains: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'],
                    userAgentPackageName: 'dev.fleaflet.flutter_map.example',
          const Card(
            child: ListTile(
                title: Text(
                    'Scrolling inside the map does not scroll the ListView')),
          const SizedBox(height: 500),
          const Card(child: ListTile(title: Text('look at that scrolling'))),
          const Card(child: ListTile(title: Text('look at that scrolling'))),
          const Card(child: ListTile(title: Text('look at that scrolling'))),
          const Card(child: ListTile(title: Text('look at that scrolling'))),


flutter_map: ^2.0.0 Flutter 3.0.2

erofcon avatar Jul 18 '22 13:07 erofcon

What about if you put flutter_map inside an AbsorbPointer....eg

AbsorbPointer( child: FlutterMap( ... ) )

ibrierley avatar Jul 18 '22 13:07 ibrierley

I am using 2.0.0 version. The problem occurs in Android Physics and emulator device, in iOS simulator works as expected. I don't change any things in example code. Just clone and run.

alejandrogiubel avatar Jul 18 '22 13:07 alejandrogiubel

What about if you put flutter_map inside an AbsorbPointer....eg

AbsorbPointer( child: FlutterMap( ... ) )

Does not work.

erofcon avatar Jul 18 '22 13:07 erofcon

How about an IgnorePointer ?

ibrierley avatar Jul 18 '22 13:07 ibrierley

I think AbsorbPointer and IgnorePointer has no sense, because some widget lost the scroll property (and tap property). The objective is map with scroll (vertical and horizontal) and remain the ListView scroll but only out of map tap. The question is, why works in iOS simulator and does not in Android Physic and emulator device?

alejandrogiubel avatar Jul 18 '22 14:07 alejandrogiubel

How about an IgnorePointer ?

Doesn't work either. With AbsorPointer and IgnorePointer map does not respond to touches.

erofcon avatar Jul 18 '22 14:07 erofcon

I haven't tested on IOS, but it doesn't work on the web either.

erofcon avatar Jul 18 '22 14:07 erofcon

I think AbsorbPointer and IgnorePointer has no sense, because some widget lost the scroll property (and tap property). The objective is map with scroll (vertical and horizontal) and remain the ListView scroll but only out of map tap. The question is, why works in iOS simulator and does not in Android Physic device?

Yes, I suspect I was misunderstanding the initial problem in part.

ibrierley avatar Jul 18 '22 14:07 ibrierley

Just updating, doesn't work on Android Emulator either.

alejandrogiubel avatar Jul 19 '22 15:07 alejandrogiubel

This functionality seems to work for me, considering I've just been testing #1293, which directly deals with maps in a list.

See if this code works for you:

import 'package:flutter_map/flutter_map.dart';
import 'package:latlong2/latlong.dart' show LatLng;

void main() {
  runApp(const MaterialApp(
    title: 'Flutter Demo',
    home: MyHomePage(),

class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyHomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Map in a ListView'),
      body: ListView(children: [
          height: 100.0,
          child: FlutterMap(
            options: MapOptions(
              center: LatLng(50, 30),
              zoom: 13,
              allowPanningOnScrollingParent: false,
            layers: [
                urlTemplate: 'https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        for (int i = 1; i < 30; i++)
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
            child: Center(child: Text('Line $i', style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20))),

JaffaKetchup avatar Jul 20 '22 15:07 JaffaKetchup

Hi @JaffaKetchup. Thank for your response but doesn't work either. Horizontal scroll works fine but vertical scroll keep scrolling the ListView not the map. Also this example throw an error when I scroll to Botton and try to pan the map (Bad state: Cannot add new events after calling close).

alejandrogiubel avatar Jul 20 '22 16:07 alejandrogiubel

Yeah, that error will be fixed in v2.1.0, which is what that PR was about.

I do see what you mean though. If you pan horizontally, then vertically, it works fine, but if you try to just do vertical, it doesn't seem to work.

JaffaKetchup avatar Jul 20 '22 17:07 JaffaKetchup

Is there an older version in which this functionality seemed to work?

JaffaKetchup avatar Jul 20 '22 17:07 JaffaKetchup

@JaffaKetchup sorry is my first time with flutter map. This is a video working well on iOS simulator, flutter_map: 2.0.0. flutter: 3.0.5


alejandrogiubel avatar Jul 20 '22 20:07 alejandrogiubel

No problem, this is unusual behaviour, so please don't be put off. There should not be platform specific behaviour like this, so I'm wondering if it's an issue elsewhere?

Looking through our gesture detection code, however, it looks like it could be improved, as there's essentially 3 nested detectors which probably aren't playing nice together. However, in this case, all platforms should behave the same way, so I don't think this is the issue.

Thanks for the report, we will need to look further into this :)

JaffaKetchup avatar Jul 20 '22 21:07 JaffaKetchup

May I ask what your use-case for using a map inside a list is? We usually recommend you don't do this because it restricts the size of the map, which usually needs to be quite big to display much useful information. Maybe we can find a temporary alternative design?

JaffaKetchup avatar Jul 20 '22 21:07 JaffaKetchup

Thanks I understand. We use a Scroll (Column inside a SingleChildScrollView) where we show several elements, one of them is the map (the user can scroll vertically at will to work on any of the elements). For now we will have to modify the design to avoid this issue (or maybe use some workaround with the scroll physics). Thank you for your attention. I'll be waiting for any solution. 👍🏼

alejandrogiubel avatar Jul 20 '22 21:07 alejandrogiubel

Any update around that?

alejandrogiubel avatar Jul 30 '22 13:07 alejandrogiubel

Unfortunately not. I haven't had much of a look into this, as I'm not very experienced in this part.

JaffaKetchup avatar Jul 30 '22 13:07 JaffaKetchup

Adding this to RawGestureDetector in flutter_map_state.dart the issue is solved but, we lost the double tap (double tap to zoom) and tap behavior. May be some workaround with this.

        () => EagerGestureRecognizer(),
        (EagerGestureRecognizer instance) {
      scaleGestureTeam.captain = instance;
      instance.team ??= scaleGestureTeam;

alejandrogiubel avatar Jul 30 '22 18:07 alejandrogiubel