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A java library for stored queries
[] Remove RAMDirectory in favour of BytesBuffersDirectory [] Reimplement highlighting via Matches [] Work out how to index IntervalQuery - this may require changes back at the lucene level
How can I add solr query with [NOW ]( to LUWAK monitor? Let's say in 11:40 I saved query: **q=timestamp:[NOW/HOUR-1HOUR TO NOW/HOUR+1HOUR]** into LUWAK monitor, but in LUWAK it will...
Hi, I try to use LUWAK like UpdateProcessor in SOLR. I noticed that LUWAK matches X first documents only (for example, from DocumentBatch with 3000 docs it matched 163 docs...
Hi, I started to work with LUWAK for percolator functionality in SOLR. I use ParallelMatcher with SimpleMatcher inside, and DocumentBatch with 3000 docs per batch. During using LUWAK, I noticed...
Hi, I have an another problem: When I passed my docs in batches (3000 docs in batch) through Monitor I don't get all matching pairs. When I passed my docs...
Any objections to moving Luwak to use a later Lucene 7.x release? Tried 6.6.1 which Luwak seems to work fine with out of the box (not sure a release with...
WildcardNGramPresearcherComponent creates a RegexpNGramTermQueryTreeBuilder, which checks if queries are instanceof RegexpQuery. However, WildcardQuery is not, so WildcardQueries don't appear to be picked up from this.
Not necessarily desirable to merge, but I'm opening this PR just so you have it around!