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Local communications
You wrote an article Reverse-engineering the Emporia Vue 2 dated Jul 28, 2021
Here you showed you can communicate with it without all the soldering connections to the vue.
I was wondering if you had considered any of the following.
- Using Pihole or another local DNS solution you can change the IP address the devices gets and point it at home assistant or etc directly.
- iptables has DNAT for which you can forward traffic from the local IP of the emporia device and the destination port of 8883 which you discovered.
- Local DHCP server and then use the DHCP server to assign the emporia vue to a static IP which then makes IP and/or port forwarding even easier.
- Raspberry Pi has built-in bluetooth, to connect to the emporia vue.
IP (or whatever) to homeassistant.local (or etc via IP and/or DNS) and port 8883
If I don't want to change to a custom firmware, and I implement the above, which for me is easy, could we then have a local mqtt server and forward that to home assistant?
Can I use your wifi changer script to change the native wifi credentials without changing my firmware?
What you describe can be done with TEST_MODE
set. Setting TEST_MODE
and WiFi settings requires downloading the image from the ESP32, modifying it, and re-uploading it.
There's unfortunately no path forward without flashing something.
In normal operation, the Vue connects to AWS IoT. You can't intercept this communication, since certificate pinning is in place.
I would use dns to point a2poo8btpqc3gs-ats.iot.us-east-2.amazonaws.com to say and then the server MY would have a self-signed cert.
When the device ask for the cert it will get a self-signed cert, from my imposter server, which definitely won't be pinned. Any attempt for it to verify the cert externally will of course be blocked or redirected to an imposter device.
Maybe it won't work. So unless the emporia hardware has a cert embedded in the firmware it can probably be faked.
Anyway, this guy has figured out how to log in to emporia to connect to their cloud. https://github.com/magico13/ha-emporia-vue
I was also wondering if this API could be used to obtain more information to help get local only data working. I would like to get second by second data, but I would like to avoid sending that much data over the internet.
Maybe it won't work. So unless the emporia hardware has a cert embedded in the firmware it can probably be faked.
I recall there being a cert embedded, but you're welcome to do your own reverse engineering to confirm.
I was also wondering if this API could be used to obtain more information to help get local only data working.
Highly unlikely. I haven't actually looked into it, but I develop cloud services professionally.
Could we create a server which mimics their cloud server? Pair the emporia vue with a local server which appears to be their server. It does have to as fully fledged as their server, it just has to appear to be.
I guess I will have to do some more research.
Their server, from the Vue's perspective, is just a write-only mqtt server with encryption.
I don't believe the Vue communicates with any other server.
So if I do connect the wires as described can I then ONLY change the wifi credentials, and not touch the firmware.
Also if I setup a mqtts server and receive the data directly as you did, how do I transform the data into something home assistant can ingest.
So if I do connect the wires as described can I then ONLY change the wifi credentials, and not touch the firmware.
. But when it comes to embedded devices like this, there's not really a distinction between firmware and data. They're both stored in the same place.
setup a mqtts server
doesn't allow for encryption, it'd have to be mqtt
how do I transform the data into something home assistant can ingest
I have a script at https://github.com/flaviut/emporia-vue2-reversing/blob/master/parse_mqtt_dbg.py that parses the message. It's up to you how you get it into HASS. I've explored this path, it didn't work out for me.
Keep in mind that part of the process of installing ESPHome here is making a backup of the firmware. If you want to go back, you can restore the device to a state identical to where it started.
So if I do connect the wires as described can I then ONLY change the wifi credentials, and not touch the firmware.
. But when it comes to embedded devices like this, there's not really a distinction between firmware and data. They're both stored in the same place.setup a mqtts server
doesn't allow for encryption, it'd have to bemqtt
.how do I transform the data into something home assistant can ingest
I have a script at https://github.com/flaviut/emporia-vue2-reversing/blob/master/parse_mqtt_dbg.py that parses the message. It's up to you how you get it into HASS. I've explored this path, it didn't work out for me.
Keep in mind that part of the process of installing ESPHome here is making a backup of the firmware. If you want to go back, you can restore the device to a state identical to where it started.
Hi @flaviut! Thank you for all the work you have done on this project! I am just curious, you said going down the path of using the data in TEST_Mode didn't work out for you. Would you mind elaborating? I set mine up and I have it publishing the data to a broker. I was then going to make use of your python script to write it to influxdb and build out my own grafana dashboard. Before I do this, I was wondering why it didn't work well for you.
My bad! It worked fine, but my end goal was always to get this data into Home Assistant so I can automate things based on it.
I never got that far. If you're happy with what you got & didn't have too much trouble setting it up, that's great!