minitube icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
minitube copied to clipboard

[Usability] Add tooltips to buttons

Open probonopd opened this issue 1 year ago • 7 comments

Please add tooltips to buttons.

For example, it is unclear what this button does as this is not a commonly used player control:


probonopd avatar Nov 27 '22 07:11 probonopd

This button has a tooltip (english as well as in german).

chrisgoldberg1 avatar Aug 27 '23 15:08 chrisgoldberg1

I don't see one, but if it is there, then this can be closed. Maybe it's my theme or something like that why I don't see the tooltips.

probonopd avatar Aug 27 '23 17:08 probonopd

I don't see it either (Arch Linux, minitube 3.9.3). Is there any way to debug this further to find out why it's not showing?

makkes avatar Aug 28 '23 06:08 makkes


We speak about this, right? Or am I mistaken? Using ArchLinux as well - works on original minitube and on my modified version (called: minitube-systray) till hopefully my pull requests are accepted.

chrisgoldberg1 avatar Aug 28 '23 06:08 chrisgoldberg1


We speak about this, right?

Yes, exactly. Hovering over any of the buttons in that toolbar doesn't show tooltips for me. I'm using i3 but that shouldn't really affect the tooltips, should it?

makkes avatar Aug 28 '23 11:08 makkes

As another data point, other applications linked with Qt 5 GUI such as keepassx or phototonic do show tooltips.

makkes avatar Aug 28 '23 11:08 makkes

No idea, but could be possible that the window manager interferes. I use xfce4 and it works flawless. But as you tell keepassx(c) tooltip works, I guess there is a wrong implementation. If I find time, I will take a look on it, but my engagement goes into another direction. I like to listen music while working and I missed a systray icon and the option to hide the application - so I implemented it.

chrisgoldberg1 avatar Aug 28 '23 12:08 chrisgoldberg1