ArduinoINA219 copied to clipboard
missing address definitions:
///I2C address definations.
/// Adafruit breakout board have two jumppers to set unique
/// address for each board ( in case there is more than one in Your system)
/// base address is 0x40, no jumpers needed)
enum t_i2caddr{
I2C_ADDR_40 = 0x40, ///< address 0x40 no jumpers required.
I2C_ADDR_41 = 0x41, ///< address 0x41 bridge A0.
I2C_ADDR_44 = 0x44, ///< address 0x44 bridge A1.
I2C_ADDR_45 = 0x45 ///< address 0x45 bridge A0 & A1.
16 total addresses should possible with connections to scl and sda pins. 0x40 through 0x4F. also mispelled definitions and jumpers