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Simple Streaming ASR Example for Sota/2019 Model
Feature Description
A detail example about Running streaming ASR with sota/2019 model on custom trained model
Use Case
Current Streaming ASR Example requires acoustic_model.bin, feature_extractor.bin, tokens.txt which come from Streaming TDS model conversion. But that tools does not working on model come from sota/2019 trainning.
Additional Context
Error while try using Streaming TDS model conversion in picture below.
Acoustic Model used : AM
I think it would be great to have an example of how to leverage the SOTA examples with any audio output. A non-streaming example would already help to understand how to use the immense functionality of this framework better.
I am also trying to do this with no success. The same with the lexfree model. If anyone knows of examples using that model I would appreciate a pointer. Thanks
@danielkope, @Charmelink could you describe more details on your use cases and what is not working/which guide you need? Happy to help and explain.
Hey @tlikhomanenko, I also asked the same question here wherein I was trying to convert 2019 SOTA TDS+CTC models into FBGEMM streaming convnets format. You may want to take a look (and kindly reply if possible).
It looks like these SOTA models trained on LibriSpeech and LibriSpeech+LibriVox have a higher number of parameters compared to TDS+CTC model from streaming convnets recipe, so it would be nice to get their FBGEMM streaming counterparts.
Ok, I guess @vineelpratap knows more details on this.
But yep, for streaming we used smaller model due to final restrictions on the performance for online inference.