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A C++ standalone library for machine learning

Results 136 flashlight issues
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Fails to build in the following environment cmake command : ```cmake cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="C:\src\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake" -DArrayFire_DIR="C:\Program Files\ArrayFire\v3\cmake\ArrayFireConfig.cmake" -DFL_BACKEND=CPU -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DFL_BUILD_DISTRIBUTED=OFF -DFL_BUILD_APP_ASR=OFF -DFLBUILD_APP_OBJDET=OFF -DCMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS=1 ``` Build...


### Question I have installed `flashlight-cpu` using `./vcpkg install flashlight-cpu`. And after installation, I can only find `libflashlight.a` file in the `[path_to_vcpkg]/packages/flashlight-cpu_x64-linux/lib`. Please let me know if that is the...


Hi, I Train my resnet34 imgclass but when I use eval command # fl_img_imagenet_eval --data_dir ./imagenet --exp_checkpoint_path ./tmp/model49 --data_batch_size 1 I found error as the following. Do you have any...


Readme has a typo listed beamthreshold as beamthreashould Bit confusing when you copy/paste the command.

### Question in flashlight/app/asr, fl_asr_decode support kenlm and convlm as language model, by options -lmtype=[kenlm,convlm]. I see flashlight/app/lm support Auto-regressive trainingand BERT-style training . So can i use flashlight/app/lm as...


### Bug Description Getting Coredump while running fl_asr_train app with the fork option with the Librispeech AM file, please find the details below. Error: E0204 16:25:50.015505 34464 Serializer.h:80 Error while...


The default indexing in flashlight uses the indexing from arrayfire, which returns the caretsian product of input arrays rather than co-ordinates of input arrays (simple example below). The desired result...


### Feature Description Any plan to add bindings to NodeJS (SWIG interfaces or native nodejs module addon, or even Emscripten)? #### Use Case Running NodeJS web applications #### Additional Context...


### Feature Description It would be great if the flashlight library can be used in R. #### Use Case Many users prefer R over Python for data analytics. They can...


First - thanks for this library - I have been looking for something exactly like this. ### Feature Description Rust language binding will be very helpful #### Use Case These...
