ElementalX-N5 copied to clipboard
ElementalX for Nexus 5
Please add CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TTL support
USB Tethering option greys out if USB is disconnected a couple of times. Reproduce: Turn on tethering, turn off after the connection is established and disconnect USB immediately before MTP...
Nougat boots & works with the set of commits. SELinux is set to always permissive mode because of several things I am not able to debug and fix myself. Added...
Fixes issue #4 Updated pull request to a new branch.
I've downloaded this repository with git clone and next the prebuilt toolchain from https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6 Next I've added the `...arm-eabi-4.6/bin` on `PATH`. Then I've tried to build the kernel: ``` export...
Just found [this](http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/themes-apps/theme-material-bootloaders-multi-color-t3118100) on xda. Is that possible to merge the material bootloader image into elemental?
In the ElementalX-N5-4.04-**express** version, `config/elementalx.conf` has an intended comment line that should really be commented out. Lines 9-10: ``` ##### Global Vibration Strength ##### Enter vibration strength (0 to 100)....
It would be great if you would add the OTG + Charge from the Nexus 7 ElementalX Kernel for this one.
It would be nice if there was an option (controllable via `/sys/kernel/fast_charge/force_fast_charge`) to fast-charge in AC mode instead of USB mode. For example, I rarely use the actual USB connection...