Barry Flanagan
Barry Flanagan
@MatthewZito Forgot to mention - no, it won't overwrite your settings or home directory
cras seems to need gcc-8 to compile properly.
No, I have not attempted an upgrade. Due to working from home I can't afford to have my pixelbook out of action.
@mcdowellmountains It is hard to sayh. Do you have a directory /opt/eve-linux-setup/adhd ? This is where the cras source should be downloaded to. Are you sure you did not get...
@mcdowellmountains See pull request #4 or try using the flantel fork which includes this and other fixes.
@daemonp Great, god luck!
@daemonp cras doesn't like gcc9 I have discovered in the past, while is OK compiling on gcc8.
`mkdir /etc/libinput` then try again
Check out Pull Request #4 which fixes this issue.
Looking at the Ansible code I don't see why not. I will give that a shot first, creating the usb drive and running this ansible install on a totally separate...