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Configurations, scripts & samples used in guides and other articles from Flant engineers.
Examples from Flant
Configurations, scripts & samples used in guides and other articles from Flant engineers, mostly published on our blog.
Here are some links to what you can find in the repo:
- Simple Test Application for «Local development in Kubernetes with werf 1.2 and minikube»;
- Samples to try Okteto for your local development for «Okteto Cloud as another way for local development in Kubernetes»
- K8s manifests for «Using mcrouter to make memcached highly available in Kubernetes»;
- Python scripts for «Our experience with migrating from Gitea to GitLab. Challenging but successful»;
- Kubernetes manifests and Keycloak JARs for «Running fault-tolerant Keycloak with Infinispan in Kubernetes»;
- shell-operator hooks for «Go? Bash! Meet the Shell-operator»;
- YAML manifests for «Installing fully-fledged vanilla Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi»;
- Enhanced version of etcdhelper for «How to modify etcd data of your Kubernetes directly (without K8s API)»;
- ConfigMap demo for «ConfigMaps in Kubernetes: how they work and what you should remember»;
- werf and GitLab CI configs for «Building & deploying a versioned documentation site with werf»;
- Helm chart with remote_syslog for «Logs in Kubernetes: expectations vs reality»;
- Simple HTTP benchmark for «6 recent cases from our SRE workaday routine» (case #1);
- Kubernetes operator in Python for «Writing a Kubernetes Operator in Python without frameworks and SDK».