ueforth copied to clipboard
[JSWORD:](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/JSWORD%3A) [closePath](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/closePath) [{](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/%7B) } context.ctx.closePath(); ~
\ draw ellipse [JSWORD:](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/JSWORD%3A) [ellipse](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/ellipse) [{](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/%7B) x y rx ry angle div } context.ctx.ellipse(x, y, rx, ry, Math.PI [*](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/%2A) 2 [*](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/%2A) angle [/](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/%2F) div, 0, 2 [*](https://eforth.arduino-forth.com/help/index-eforth/word/%2A) Math.PI); ~ \...
Currently this is hard coded in Arduino UI. Can it be dynamic? Potential interface to use: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/system/power_management.html
Hello, I'm testing XTENSA assembler. And I've a problem with MOV, My test: a8 a2 MOV, ESP32forth display: --> a8 a2 MOV, STACK UNDERFLOW ERROR I use only ar as...
I'm not sure of the usefullness of these words, but it was fun trying to figure them out. stop-task will stop a running task. It's actually a suspend, as you...
Hello, ESP32Forth has functionalities allowing the broadcasting of information as a web server or telnet. With the HTTP vocabulary, ESP32Forth can now receive or transmit information with web servers. I...
There is one point on which a small modification should be made. It's in this definition: : login ( z z -- ) WIFI_MODE_STA Wifi.mode WiFi.begin begin WiFi.localIP 0= while...
Hello, I integrate the SPI management words: ``` #define ENABLE_SPI_SUPPORT //....... OPTIONAL_SPI_SUPPORT \ //...... // *** Support SPI *** #ifndef ENABLE_SPI_SUPPORT # define OPTIONAL_SPI_SUPPORT #else # include # define OPTIONAL_SPI_SUPPORT...
It appears telnetd support may have regressed. putty works but getting reports that telnet on linux doesn't work on a first boot.
httpd does not run as a task, throwing a LoadProhibited exception: ``` ESP32forth v7.0.6.15 - rev 74125fc19e0ce05838c7 ESP32-D0WDQ5 240 MHz 2 cores 4194304 bytes flash System Heap: 201620 free +...