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SPI words is vital
Hello, I integrate the SPI management words:
// *** Support SPI ***
# include <SPI.h>
XV(SPI, "SPI.begin", SPI_BEGIN, SPI.begin((int8_t) n3, (int8_t) n2, (int8_t) n1, (int8_t) n0); DROPn(4)) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.end", SPI_END, SPI.end();) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.setHwCs", SPI_SETHWCS, SPI.setHwCs((boolean) n0); DROP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.setBitOrder", SPI_SETBITORDER, SPI.setBitOrder((uint8_t) n0); DROP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.setDataMode", SPI_SETDATAMODE, SPI.setDataMode((uint8_t) n0); DROP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.setFrequency", SPI_SETFREQUENCY, SPI.setFrequency((uint32_t) n0); DROP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.setClockDivider", SPI_SETCLOCKDIVIDER, SPI.setClockDivider((uint32_t) n0); DROP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.getClockDivider", SPI_GETCLOCKDIVIDER, PUSH SPI.getClockDivider();) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.transfer", SPI_TRANSFER, SPI.transfer((uint8_t *) n1, (uint32_t) n0); DROPn(2)) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.transfer8", SPI_TRANSFER_8, PUSH (uint8_t) SPI.transfer((uint8_t) n0); NIP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.transfer16", SPI_TRANSFER_16, PUSH (uint16_t) SPI.transfer16((uint16_t) n0); NIP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.transfer32", SPI_TRANSFER_32, PUSH (uint32_t) SPI.transfer32((uint32_t) n0); NIP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.transferBytes", SPI_TRANSFER_BYTES, SPI.transferBytes((const uint8_t *) n2, (uint8_t *) n1, (uint32_t) n0); DROPn(3)) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.transferBits", SPI_TRANSFER_BITES, SPI.transferBits((uint32_t) n2, (uint32_t *) n1, (uint8_t) n0); DROPn(3)) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.write", SPI_WRITE, SPI.write((uint8_t) n0); DROP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.write16", SPI_WRITE16, SPI.write16((uint16_t) n0); DROP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.write32", SPI_WRITE32, SPI.write32((uint32_t) n0); DROP) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.writeBytes", SPI_WRITE_BYTES, SPI.writeBytes((const uint8_t *) n1, (uint32_t) n0); DROPn(2)) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.writePixels", SPI_WRITE_PIXELS, SPI.writePixels((const void *) n1, (uint32_t) n0); DROPn(2)) \
XV(SPI, "SPI.writePattern", SPI_WRITE_PATTERN, SPI.writePattern((const uint8_t *) n2, (uint8_t) n1, (uint32_t) n0); DROPn(3))
vocabulary SPI SPI definitions
transfer SPI-builtins
forth definitions
The addition of SPI management words would be of real interest to manage interfaces...
thanks in advance
Successfull used. Complete article here: https://esp32.arduino-forth.com/article/display_MAX7219_manage8x8