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Unofficial Python Bluetooth controller for Pavlok
======== pypavlok
Unofficial Python Bluetooth Pavlok API
Official Pavlok API <>
_ makes requests to cloud service to send message to your tablet which will send Bluetooth command to your device. It works for tablet apps, but it is a very indirect way to zap people.
This package controls Pavlok directly with Bluetooth commands.
- Bluetooth 4 compatible adapter (Pavlok uses Bluetooth Low Energy)
- Bluez
- gattlib to interface gatttool
- Python 2.7
- Linux (I haven't tested the code with anything else)
Use pip: pip install pypavlok
Be sure to install gattlib dependencies: boost-python, boost-thread and glib2
from pypavlok import PyPavlok pavlok = PyPavlok() #If MAC address is not specified, it will be found using service discovery (requires root privileges) pavlok = PyPavlok('00:07:80:B5:9A:31', 'hci0') #Or pass MAC address (doesn't require special permissions) pavlok.battery_level 95 pavlok.shock() pavlok.shock(level=50) #50% discharge pavlok.beep() pavlok.beep(count=3, duration_on=200, duration_off=100) #3 beeps by 0.2 sec with interval 0.1 sec pavlok.led() pavlok.led(led1=False, led2=True, count=5, duration_off=300) #Blink with red LEDs 5 times by 1 sec with interval 0.3 sec pavlok.vibrate() pavlok.firmware_revision '2.4.28' pp.is_connected() #PyPavlok inherits from GATTRequester True pp.disconnect() pp.is_connected() False
All action methods (shock, vibrate, led, beep) share common set of parameters:
level: discharge percents for shock(), tone for beep(), vibration speed for vibrate(), not used in led(). Default: 50
count: number of repetitions. Default: 1
duration_on: duration of action in milliseconds (<= 5 sec). Default: 1 sec
duration_off: if count > 0, set the interval between repetitions in milliseconds (<= 5 sec). Default: 1 sec
Checking your setup
Check if your bluetooth adapter is up:
.. code-block:: console
$ sudo hciconfig
<device name> hci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB
<device status> DOWN
If the status is down, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ sudo hciconfig <device name> up
Search for BLE devices:
.. code-block:: console
$ sudo hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
<MAC address like xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> Pavlok-xxxx
Try to connect to Pavlok with gatttool:
.. code-block:: console
$ gatttool -b <MAC address> -I
[<MAC address>][LE]> connect
Attempting to connect to <MAC address>
Connection successful
[<MAC address>][LE]> primary
attr handle: 0x0001, end grp handle: 0x0007 uuid: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
attr handle: 0x0008, end grp handle: 0x001a uuid: 0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
If you got to this point, everything should work
Pavlok has a reset function: try pressing The Zap Button for about 15 seconds
If you get error
RuntimeError: Characteristic value/descriptor operation failed: Attribute requires authentication before read/write
, pass additional parametersecurity_level='medium'
to PyPavlok.init:pavlok = PyPavlok(security_level='medium')
If you cannot connect to device, try to connect with gatttool, it will help you understand if the problem is with pypavlok or with Bluetooth stack.
If you get error like
GLib-WARNING: Invalid file descriptor
, remove directory/var/lib/bluetooth/<your_bluetooth_adapter_mac>
and restart bluetooth service -
If you updated gattlib dependencies and it stoped working,
pip install --force-reinstall
won't help, because compiled version of gattlib is in pip cache and is not recompiled.Remove the compiled library from pip cache -- search for in /root/.cache