YoutubeExtractor copied to clipboard
YoutubeExtractor.YoutubeParseException: Could not parse the Youtube page
tested on 3 link all had the same error
me too ...
Same issue:
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match.Result(String replacement) at YoutubeExtractor.DownloadUrlResolver.GetHtml5PlayerVersion(JObject json) at YoutubeExtractor.DownloadUrlResolver.GetDownloadUrls(String videoUrl, Boolean decryptSignature)
I have found that the json don't contains args url_encoded_fmt_stream_map and adaptive_fmts so the functions GetStreamMap and GetAdaptiveStreamMap failed to provide the urls.
Any idea how to solve this?
I have tried to change the GetStreamMap from json["args"]["url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"]; to json["args"]["player_response"]; and then navigate to ["streamingData"]["formats"] the same thing in GetAdaptiveStreamMap json["args"]["player_response"]; -> ["streamingData"]["adaptiveFormats"]; The function ExtractDownloadUrls is still failed because of the change of the structure. Any idea how to solve this?
Thanks a lot for the answer and it seems like there is a lot of other information in the PlayerRelatedToken. This is not helping to YoutubeExtractor because this is a different page structure. do you know how can I fix YoutubeExtractor?
On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 11:28 PM thehighboy [email protected] wrote:
i was thinking last night and wasnt sure if you knew but you can get related and mix videos by extracting RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS like this. ` Dim PlayerRelated = New Regex("RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS':(.*),", RegexOptions.Multiline)
Dim PlayerRelatedExtracted As String = PlayerRelated.Match(content).Result("$1") Dim PlayerRelatedToken = JToken.Parse(PlayerRelatedExtracted)
` have a look at the PlayerRelatedToken theres alot of good stuff in there ;)
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I was able to get around this by doing the following: 1- Replace ExtractDownloadUrls by the following:
private static IEnumerable<ExtractionInfo> ExtractDownloadUrls(JObject json)
var info = new List<ExtractionInfo>();
var formats = GetStreamMap(json);
var adaptiveFormats = GetAdaptiveStreamMap(json);
ExtractInfo(info, formats);
ExtractInfo(info, adaptiveFormats);
return info;
2- Add the following helper function:
private static void ExtractInfo(List<ExtractionInfo> info, JArray items)
if (items != null)
foreach (var item in items)
bool requiresDecryption = false;
var url = item["url"]?.ToString();
info.Add(new ExtractionInfo { RequiresDecryption = requiresDecryption, Uri = new Uri(url) });
3- Replace GetAdaptiveStreamMap by the following
private static JArray GetAdaptiveStreamMap(JObject json)
JArray adaptiveFormat = null;
JToken streamMap = json["args"]["player_response"];
string streamMapString = streamMap == null ? null : streamMap.ToString();
if (streamMapString != null)
dynamic playerResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(streamMapString);
adaptiveFormat = playerResponse?.streamingData?.adaptiveFormats;
return adaptiveFormat;
4- Replace GetStreamMap by the following:
private static JArray GetStreamMap(JObject json)
JToken streamMap = json["args"]["player_response"];
string streamMapString = streamMap == null ? null : streamMap.ToString();
if (streamMapString == null || streamMapString.Contains("been+removed"))
throw new Exception("Video is removed or has an age restriction.");
dynamic playerResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(streamMapString);
return playerResponse.streamingData?.formats;
5- Replace GetHtml5PlayerVersion by the following:
private static string GetHtml5PlayerVersion(JObject json)
var regex = new Regex(@"player[-|_](.+?).js");
string js = json["assets"]["js"].ToString();
return regex.Match(js).Result("$1");
My fix will work only for unencrypted contents. We still need to fix the isEncrypted attribute Cheers
Thanks a lot for the response and solution. the URL is not in var url = item["url"]?.ToString(); it should be var url = item["url"]?.ToString(); if (url == null) { url = item["cipher"]?.ToString(); }
The Decipherer.cs - DecipherWithVersion need to change from string jsUrl = string.Format("{0}.js", cipherVersion); to string jsUrl = string.Format("{0}.js", cipherVersion);
I have still having problem to download and i think it related to encrypted/signature. i'm getting 403 error.
Whats the link with the issue or are you having problems with all in general ?
for example:
for example:
i get it no problem
i will download this library and see if i can fix for you.
Which library you are using?
Which library you are using?
im using my own code but when i started my project i used the decipher from this one.i am working on this one as i type and should be able to upload it tomorrow.
I fixed the structure change of Youtube. You can try it.
took a quick look at it and it did download noammaoz link.i see you never changed the get title does it ever return a title that way ? and if you get the cipher once you can reuse for the lifetime of the app.Thank you now i will continue my own app as it needs love too ;)
This library is working fine. Thanks a lot.