YoutubeExtractor copied to clipboard
Unhandled Exception
Unhandled Exception:
YoutubeExtractor.YoutubeParseException: Could not parse the Youtube page for URL This may be due to a change of the Youtube page structure. Please report this bug at
i only use the Decipherer page of this library but anyway had to update the Get of jsbin player to
Dim client1 = New Http.HttpClient() Dim content = Await client1.GetStringAsync(videoInfoUrl) Dim pattern, cipherVersion As String Dim m As Match pattern = "player_ias-(.*)/en_US/base.js" m = Regex.Match(content, pattern1) cipherVersion = Regex.Unescape(m.Groups(1).Value) & "/en_US/base"
then updated DecipherWithVersion in Decipherer page with
` Public Shared Async Function DecipherWithVersion(cipher As String, cipherVersion As String) As Task(Of String)
Dim jsUrl As String = String.Format("{0}.js", cipherVersion)
Dim http As HttpClient = New System.Net.Http.HttpClient()
Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await http.GetAsync(jsUrl)
Dim js As String = Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
Dim funcName = Regex.Match(js, "(\w+)=function\(\w+\){(\w+)=\2\.split\(\x22{2}\);.*?return\s+\2\.join\(\x22{2}\)}").Groups(1).Value
'Escape funcName string
If funcName.Contains("$") Then
'Due To Dollar Sign Introduction, Need To Escape
funcName = "\" + funcName
End If
Dim funcBody = Regex.Match(js, "(?!h\.)" & Regex.Escape(funcName) & "=function\(\w+\)\{(.*?)\}", RegexOptions.Singleline).Groups(1).Value
'Entire sig function
Dim lines = funcBody.Split(";"c)
'Each line in sig function
Dim idReverse As String = "", idSlice As String = "", idCharSwap As String = ""
'Hold name for each cipher method
Dim functionIdentifier As String = ""
Dim operations As String = ""
For Each line In lines.Skip(1).Take(lines.Length - 2)
'Matches the funcBody with each cipher method. Only runs till all three are defined.
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(idReverse) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(idSlice) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(idCharSwap) Then
'Break loop if all three cipher methods are defined
Exit For
End If
functionIdentifier = GetFunctionFromLine(line)
Dim reReverse As String = String.Format("{0}:\bfunction\b\(\w+\)", functionIdentifier)
'Regex for reverse (one parameter)
Dim reSlice As String = String.Format("{0}:\bfunction\b\([a],b\).(\breturn\b)?.?\w+\.", functionIdentifier)
'Regex for slice (return or not)
Dim reSwap As String = String.Format("{0}:\bfunction\b\(\w+\,\w\).\bvar\b.\bc=a\b", functionIdentifier)
'Regex for the char swap.
If Regex.Match(js, reReverse).Success Then
'If def matched the regex for reverse then the current function is a defined as the reverse
idReverse = functionIdentifier
End If
If Regex.Match(js, reSlice).Success Then
'If def matched the regex for slice then the current function is defined as the slice.
idSlice = functionIdentifier
End If
If Regex.Match(js, reSwap).Success Then
'If def matched the regex for charSwap then the current function is defined as swap.
idCharSwap = functionIdentifier
End If
For Each line In lines.Skip(1).Take(lines.Length - 2)
Dim m As Match
functionIdentifier = GetFunctionFromLine(line)
m = Regex.Match(line, "\(\w+,(?<index>\d+)\)")
If m.Success AndAlso functionIdentifier = idCharSwap Then
operations &= "w" & m.Groups("index").Value & " " 'operation is a swap (w)
End If
m = Regex.Match(line, "\(\w+,(?<index>\d+)\)")
If m.Success AndAlso functionIdentifier = idSlice Then
operations &= "s" & m.Groups("index").Value & " " 'operation is a slice
End If
If functionIdentifier = idReverse Then 'No regex required for reverse (reverse method has no parameters)
operations &= "r " 'operation is a reverse
End If
Next line
operations = operations.Trim()
Return DecipherWithOperations(cipher, operations)
End Function`
i am no programmer and it needs cleaning up but works ;) hope this helps
Thanks for help. But i have used another library to extract video from Youtube. I installed "" as nuget package. This is more stable and easy to use. I highly recommend this package to download video. ;)
i also facing the same problem