Maybe 0.6.2, right? And I use it as a coordinator. 
Just updated to 0.6.4. Same error message still shows up. EDIT: Just turned on BSL mode manually in web gui and unchecked the "Auto BSL" option in Multi Tool. Im...
> It's really not clear, for me and for many others it works without problems in automatic mode. > > maybe there is more information? What more information do you...
The program found correct IP automatically. Did not edit anything. After i updated everything manually i haven't tested the auto mode again. Maybe a new version out now so I...
Exactly what im looking for. This would be great
Here is what I got when first opened up the addon, then pressed "Create a SSH FS configuration". Worth to mention is that the addon has worked as expected since...
> > > Can you post the `SSH FS` log? It is available under `Output > SSH FS`. While it should censor passwords/passphrases, I recommend checking it for (other) sensitive...
HA guys cannot help me with this. So did you get anything useful from my logs? @SchoofsKelvin
When I press "Create a SSH FS configuration", dev server message pops up and SSH FS tab is just blank and I cant do anything. SSH FS Extension settings seems...
Thanks! But I´m sorry this is to advanced for me so I´ll think I have to wait for v1.21.3. I don´t really understand what to download, where to put it...