circ icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
circ copied to clipboard

automatic identify

Open caub opened this issue 10 years ago • 2 comments

I'm sorry I've browsed documentation and other issues, but I don't find how to run the /msg nickserv identify *** when circ starts

ps: it would also be great that circ remembers the /ignore join quit part per channel

caub avatar Apr 15 '14 10:04 caub

@cyrilauburtin have a look at the auto_identify.js under the example_scripts directory, but if are in a channel that has the +r flag set you will run into an issue where CIRC starts joining channels before the script identifies your nick.

vendion avatar May 02 '14 12:05 vendion

Which scripting do you need? It seems that my connection /server <znc_ip_adress> <port> <username_znc>:<password_znc> establishes with identity-authentication. This means that you need look at rather than scripting.

valtih1978 avatar Nov 01 '14 19:11 valtih1978