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OpenPSA is an open-source business management web application suite

Results 22 openpsa issues
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A recurrent task is automatically generated with the actual ate settings (for example: every new quarter a new support task will be created, followed by xQ21). But something doesnt work...

After setting privilege, page need to be refreshed, or load the object from DB in order to see the toolbar's buttons.

Instead of having a separate api & in-memory storage, component config (the not topic specific part) should be handled by `midcom_config`, like so: ```php midcom::get()->config->get($component_name, $some_key) ```

**Reported by flack on 14 Mar 1914 23:36 UTC** There are situations where it's necessary to manage hour reports of people that don't have accounts (f.x. editing reports of users...

**Reported by flack on 30 Apr 2029 07:50 UTC** ATM, almost DBA to database interactions are ultimately performed by one giant (~2000 lines) class of static methods. This should be...

**Reported by flack on 22 May 1978 02:14 UTC** midcom_core_user includes functionality for recursively collecting privileges from group hierarchies, but the feature is commented out. Re-enabling it would give us...

**Reported by flack on 2 Mar 1912 18:13 UTC** ATM, it is very tedious to pass localized strings to javascript, there should be a centralized function for this. F.x. a...

**Reported by flack on 26 Nov 1918 08:37 UTC** ATM, when invoicing closed tasks with a lower sum than marked in the deliverable, the deliverable will be adjusted. There should...

**Reported by flack on 13 Jul 1935 16:25 UTC** Right now, only a task's manager can do certain task status changes, making the workflow quite inflexible, especially since some steps...

**Reported by flack on 26 Nov 1905 15:25 UTC** ATM, notifications can only be sent by email (there are hooks for SMS in the code as well, but not implemented)....