
Results 60 issues of flack

### Feature Request | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | yes | RFC | don't know | BC Break | depends :-) #### Summary I am...


Steps to reproduce: - Focus editable - click image button to make overlay appear - click image button again to make overlay disappear - focus another editable Result: You now...

Steps to reproduce: - click into editable area (but don't select text) - click the link button in the toolbar - click insert in the link popover this selects the...

Most hallo buttons are only useful if you have a selection (bold, italic, link and so on), so it would be nice if these buttons were disabled if there is...

Steps to repoduce: - go to edit mode - focus an editable property and enter some characters - focus another editable property - Click "undo" Expected results: - nothing happens...

If you click the undo/redo buttons for a property that doesn't have any modifications (or simply no more undo/redo steps), the buttons stay highlighted. Ideally, they should be automatically disabled...

To reproduce: - Go to edit mode - Put text cursor into editable area and click the Insert Image icon in the toolbar - while the image dialog is open,...

The edit indicator seems to be positioned on the top left border of the editable field. Unfortunately, the top border of the field seems to be calculated taking margin into...

I haven't figured out exactly why this happens, but here's a screenshot showing the issue: ![indicator](https://a248.e.akamai.net/camo.github.com/a8acf10d260e8eaa1bf456aa5d0ff1b27013e7ff/687474703a2f2f7777772e636f6e74656e74636f6e74726f6c2d6265726c696e2e64652f656469745f696e64696361746f722e706e67) In this case, the mouse is one the upper editable field, i.e. the indicator...

## User Story As a donor, it can happen that I click "Donate" in the frontend and the AJAX request dies for whatever reason. But the problem is that I...

type: enhancement