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Kotlin DSL for Kubernetes configs
Kotlin DSL for Kubernetes and Openshift Container Platform on top of fabric8 client.
package can be found on jitpack. Simply add following lines to your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
Using with kubernetes-client
Let's check out how to create an Ingress via fabric8 client. Don't forget to add a dependency on io.fabric8:kubernetes-client:${kubernetes_client_version}
import com.fkorotkov.kubernetes.extensions.*
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.IntOrString
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.DefaultKubernetesClient
fun main() {
val client = DefaultKubernetesClient().inNamespace("default")
newIngress {
metadata {
name = "example-ingress"
spec {
backend {
serviceName = "example-service"
servicePort = IntOrString(8080)
Apply modifications
By leveraging awesomeness of Kotlin it becomes super easy to have a base service template that every microservice is created from:
val baseService = defaultServiceTemplate()
baseService.apply {
metadata {
name = "foo"
Complete Deployment example
Here is an example of BaseDeployment
that defines a deployment with one replica and mounts a secret that can be used by the service.
import com.fkorotkov.kubernetes.*
import com.fkorotkov.kubernetes.apps.*
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.IntOrString
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.Deployment
class BaseDeployment : Deployment {
constructor(serviceName: String) {
metadata {
name = "$serviceName-service-deployment"
labels = mapOf(
"app" to serviceName,
"tier" to "backend"
spec {
replicas = 1
template {
metadata {
labels = mapOf(
"app" to serviceName,
"tier" to "backend"
spec {
containers = listOf(
newContainer {
name = "$serviceName-service"
image = "gcr.io/fkorotkov/$serviceName-service:latest"
volumeMounts = listOf(
newVolumeMount {
name = "gcp-credentials"
mountPath = "/etc/credentials"
readOnly = true
env = listOf(
newEnvVar {
value = "/etc/credentials/service-account-credentials.json"
ports = listOf(
newContainerPort {
containerPort = 8080
livenessProbe {
httpGet {
path = "/healthz"
port = IntOrString(8080)
periodSeconds = 60
readinessProbe {
httpGet {
path = "/healthz"
port = IntOrString(8080)
initialDelaySeconds = 10
periodSeconds = 60
volumes = listOf(
newVolume {
name = "gcp-credentials"
secret {
secretName = "gcp-credentials"