
Results 39 comments of fkooman

You can modify the file `vendor/fkooman/rest-plugin-authentication-bearer/src/fkooman/Rest/Plugin/Authentication/Bearer/BearerAuthentication.php` that currently contains this: ```php public static function validateTokenSyntax($bearerToken) { // b64token = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" /...

Would it help to create a 1.0.5 release that has the new php-lib-http? I didn't release so far because i'm afraid the reverse proxy stuff that's used by IndieHosters would...

Oh, and there is also RPM packaging stuff available and some more deploy stuff in [this]( repo.

Hi! Yeah, I am thinking of doing that, not only for php-remote-storage, but also for the VPN service, there it will also be helpful and can share the same code....

Will you be using TLS? Or just plain LDAP? I would like to make the configuration as simple as possible... I do remember at one point writing an LDAP client...

It seems not easy to set up a simple OpenLDAP server, add some users and have it working. So the problem is not so much to create this LDAP backup,...

Note to self: already did some work on LDAP integration, but it is for fetching the group memberships, not for authentication. It is slightly different, but may help.

> Some of these seem more like feature wishes than necessities to me. Yeah, sure. Tightening static code analysis tools also helped a lot in improving code, this was done...

Interesting PHP issue: if you name your drink e.g. '12345' everything will break because of [this](