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Welcome to powerwall cloud!


  • Powerwall cloud is a python script implementation of automating the reserve % from 0 to 100%
  • This ensures that the powerwall only discharges during time of use
  • It helps if time of use is split into multiple peaks like 5am-9am and 5pm-9pm , the chron schedule can be customized towards your utility
  • tou/backup scripts just change % to 0% or 100% as needed
  • Tesla normal algorithm will try to discharge the powerwall during idle times so this also ensures discharge idling does not occur
  • This code will login, answer captcha, and set the settings on schedule


  • Files must be saved to /home/user otherwise CRON won't be able to find accounts.txt
  • Install PIP and Pandas since it uses holidays, and possibly requests
  • Run python powerwallDriver.py backup or python powerwallDriver.py tou
  • Create a cron schedule to track your work
  • Install svglib for captcha, pip install svglib
  • Install pickledb, pip install pickledb
  • Create account with 2captcha using link: https://2captcha.com?from=11874928
  • Replace API key in recaptchasolver.py with key obtained from 2captcha

Setting up PI

  • Find the IP Address of your Rasberry PI by checking router or run ifconfig on PI itself
  • Enable PI on Raspberry SSH , username: pi, password: raspberry
  • ssh [email protected]
  • scp powerwall/* [email protected]:
  • Install Pandas by running command below
    • sudo apt-get install python-pandas

Cron Schedule

  • Here are some sample crons we used for the SRP Utility, but you can use whatever suits you::
  • Important to only set this up as crontab and eventually have a process to rotate log files

crontab -e


40 13 * 5-10 1-5 python /home/pi/powerwallDriver.py tou > logTou.txt
15 14 * 5-10 1-5 python /home/pi/powerwallDriver.py check > logTouCheck.txt
1 20 * 5-10 1-5 python /home/pi/powerwallDriver.py backup > logBackup.txt

40 4 * 1-4,11-12 1-5  python /home/pi/powerwallDriver.py tou > logTou.txt
1 09 * 1-4,11-12 1-5 python /home/pi/powerwallDriver.py backup > logBackup.txt
40 16 * 1-4,11-12 1-5  python /home/pi/powerwallDriver.py tou > logTou.txt
1 21 * 1-4,11-12 1-5 python /home/pi/powerwallDriver.py backup > logBackup.txt

About code

  • powerwallDriver.py - main driver file
  • powerwallBackup.py - runs back up for given account (set reserve to 100%) forces charge
  • powerwallTimeOfUse.py - runs time of use given account (set reserve to 0%) forces discharge