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Dockerized PWM based on Tomcat:9-jre11 official image with SSL enabled.

Container Images


PWM is a free and opensource password self service application enabling end-users to reset their enterprise password themselves.


The Dockerfile builds from tomcat:9-jre11-slim see


2.0.5, latest

Quick Start

Run the PWM image:

docker run --rm -it --name=pwm -p 8080:8080 fjudith/pwm:alpine

NOTE: Please allow few seconds for the application to start, especially if populating the database for the first time. If you want to make sure that everything wen find, what the logs using the following command:

docker logs pwm

Go to the http://localhost:8080 or point to the IP or fully qualified name of your docker host. On a Mac or Windows, replace localhostwith the IP address of your Docker host which you can get using the following command:

docker-machine ip default



By default, PWM extends the LDAP schema. If you don't want to, the image supports linking to a mongodb, mysql or postgres database container.

Persistent volume

If you use this image in production, you'll probably want to persist the following locations in a volume.

/usr/share/pwm                  # PWM configuration