Flávio Juvenal
Flávio Juvenal
Related to https://github.com/zombodb/zombodb/issues/345
Related to https://github.com/vintasoftware/django-zombodb/issues/10 and zombodb/zombodb#335
Steps to reproduce: 1. Remove whole model from models.py 2. makemigrations 3. migrate 4. migrate back to migration number before deletion 5. Error here: ```django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: type "restaurants_name_016c1c_zombodb_row_type" already exists``` For...
That's an amazing project, thanks! I'm having some trouble to figure out the proper way to run the built container. The recommended command `docker run --restart=always -d -p 80:80 merlinnot/nominatim-docker`...
Ideally, user should be redirected to original page after sign in. This doesn't seem to be the current behavior. Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to some event page, like http://speakerfight.com/events/python-sudeste-2017-palestras/...