Flávio Juvenal
Flávio Juvenal
@terrynguyen255 to avoiding repeating routes in backend/frontend, you need to catch all possible frontend routes in a single URL conf in Django, and direct all of them to IndexView or...
This is the expected behavior. [From docs](https://github.com/django-webpack/django-webpack-loader#accessing-other-webpack-assets): > Please note that this approach will use the original asset file, and not a post-processed one from the Webpack pipeline, in case...
No, feel free to open a PR addressing this or discussing solutions here.
Thanks for the contribution @batistadasilva ! I'm excited to merge this, but please check PR comments.
> a warning to console mentioning the script is hanging at webpack loader This LGTM if a certain time has passed (> 5 seconds, perhaps)? Please feel free to open...
@auvipy Debugging some of this, behavior of `CE + chord(tasks)(callback.s().on_error(errcb_args.s()))` [1] is definitely wrong as per docs. Relevant code seems to be here: https://github.com/celery/celery/blob/9ba426a0af698e574ee52b1d5197798a50c87f87/celery/backends/base.py#L239 (this is current master code, so...
Yes it is if you get ones compatible with torchtext Vocab. The version of torchtext that the project uses is not the latest one, that's the issue I think. Also...
Hi @abrinkmann, the `no-clusters` branch has some experimentation on training based on pairs instead of clusters. But I don't recall if results were good enough. Please check it and LMK...
Hi @hannahslatford, thanks for the PR. Could you please give a rationale for the changes and how it improves the results?
Hi @raghunandan13, I think you will have to re-implement [sync_roles.py](https://github.com/vintasoftware/django-role-permissions/blob/master/rolepermissions/management/commands/sync_roles.py) to work with multiple schemas. Check how to change schemas manually with django-tenant and adapt the sync_roles code to do...