Florian Jenett
Florian Jenett
Good point. Need to research … thanks!
Nope, only mouse stuff. But keypressed might be interesting for fast navigation, that is true. Yes, separate issue please.
Hey, can you give a little more information? I think a sketch showing the problem would be helpful. Thanks.
We had some simple syntax coloring which went away in the later P2.0 betas due to some change. So no coloring at all at the moment i think. So, "no...
Have to research what is going on ...
I have never tried ... can you give a longer example of what you are trying to do?
Here's more on SQL storage: http://creativepark.net/1191 http://playground.html5rocks.com/#async_transactions http://www.w3.org/TR/webdatabase/
Have a look at ActiveRecord and other ORMs