Tom Spencer

Results 45 comments of Tom Spencer

I've just run into this error, seemingly because 10.21.0 was just released an hour ago, but there are no assets associated with the release in GitHub - as a result,...

Firstly apologies for wading in, I have just discovered this library, and it's exactly what I need. My own personal view is that using the [named parameters]( approach to function...

The _duplicate symbol_ message appears too when building on RN 0.66, but it doesn't cause the build to fail. From the build logs: ``` ▸ Running script '[CP] Check Pods...

Has there been any progress on this? We have a [generator for the Flow XO platform](, called `generator-flowxo`, which is turned into `Flowxo`. Ideally we'd like this to read `Flow...

@bit-void the lines above need to go inside the `android.applicationVariants.all` block. Make sure you add these extra lines of code straight after the following: ``` gradle // mergeResources task runs...

FWIW this is the only third party dependency in one of my projects which is holding back the use of gradle 7, and hence java 16. ATM it means pinning...

It's probably an issue with the JSON file, the new versions of lottie-react-native use a Swift JSON decoder which is less forgiving than previous versions. See here for instructions on...

If you are running causal in the browser then you will need to tell webpack to bundle the `fs` module with your code. `fs` is something that only (by default)...

@plul just stopped here to say thanks very much for that code snippet, I've used it as the basis of a timeago pipe which is translatable with `@ngx-translate/core`. Thanks!

In the meantime I'm working around this with this custom method on the query builder, but it would be great to learn if this could be done without a workaround!...