Dan Gillean
Dan Gillean
**Documentation version** * 2.7 **Relevant pages** * https://www.accesstomemory.org/docs/2.7/user-manual/administer/visible-elements/#hide-or-show-digital-object-metadata-fields **Description** * In 2.7, the digital object metadata display area was revised, and a lot of new functionality was added - including...
**Documentation version** * 2.7 and later **Relevant pages** * https://www.accesstomemory.org/docs/latest/user-manual/administer/settings/#identifier-settings **Relevant sources and links** * Redmine issue ticket: https://projects.artefactual.com/issues/13373 * Forum thread where this missing doc entry was found: https://groups.google.com/g/ica-atom-users/c/pAuUKSGvZtk/m/KRmijKOkAQAJ...
**Documentation version(s)**: * 2.5 and later **Relevant pages**: * https://www.accesstomemory.org/docs/latest/admin-manual/installation/upgrading **Relevant sources and links**: Inspired by the following user forum thread from 2022-07: * https://groups.google.com/g/ica-atom-users/c/mLG9ry_3yio/m/aCOOuGTLAQAJ **Description** * A user with...
**Documentation version** * 2.5; 2.6 **Relevant documentation pages** * https://www.accesstomemory.org/docs/latest/admin-manual/installation/execution-limits/ * https://www.accesstomemory.org/docs/latest/admin-manual/installation/linux/ubuntu-xenial/ * https://www.accesstomemory.org/docs/latest/admin-manual/maintenance/troubleshooting/#why-can-t-i-upload-large-digital-objects **Relevant forum thread** * 2020-02-12: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/ica-atom-users/fkth3RTdPRU/iUEXHwmmAwAJ **Issue description** A user reported issues trying to upload a...
**Version of the docs** All of them! **Specific location in the docs** * https://www.accesstomemory.org/docs/latest/user-manual/translate/translate-static-pages/ **Issue description and suggested fix** Looks like we intended to add content here, and then forgot...
### Current Behavior First reported via the user forum, [2024-04-24](https://groups.google.com/g/ica-atom-users/c/kB3YzkzpUhg/m/bNh-U5EHAQAJ) **Steps to reproduce the behavior** * Log into a 2.8.x AtoM instance as an administrator * Navigate to Admin >...
### Current Behavior Issue first reported via the [user forum 2024-05-09](https://groups.google.com/g/ica-atom-users/c/VcUdp0E91rc/m/4tSdmWx2CAAJ); reproduced in the public demo site **Steps to reproduce the behavior** 1. Make sure you are using the BS5...
### Current Behavior First reported in the user forum, 2024-04-05 - [link](https://groups.google.com/g/ica-atom-users/c/2sd0ZKn_sWY/m/1aW2xeo3AgAJ). Not sure what version they were using, but they specified the BS5 plugin, so either 2.7.x or 2.8.x....
### Current Behavior This was discovered on a client production site, and took some time to figure out. **Steps to reproduce the behavior** 1. In `config/app.yml`, set the `upload_limit` value...
### Current Behavior Putting the context up here first, because this may be a Heisenbug - we do not have the capability to recreate the client conditions easily elsewhere, so...