Brian Cooke

Results 72 comments of Brian Cooke

@ElusiveTau Were all steps mentioned in the [PREREQUISITES section of the README]( successfully completed before attempting to make the miniblink example?

@bryan-m-hughes what are the inconsistencies here?

Thank you. For anyone interested, support for the LDORDY bit in the ADC_ISR register was added to stm32h7xx_ll_adc.h with [ADC_ISR_LDORDY]( and [LL_ADC_IsActiveFlag_LDORDY(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)]( [stm32h743xx.h]( was also appropriately modified.

[pigpio]( supports PWM on any of GPIO0 through GPIO31 but requires root privileges.

Although not strictly necessary, it would probably make sense to add promise support to [spi-device]( before adding it to mcp-spi-adc.

Whether or not the pigpio Node.js library will ever run on a Pi 5 depends on whether or not the underlying pigpio C library is extended to support the Pi...

`device.transfer(message, cb)` works fine for me. The stress test [tmp.js]( calls `device.transfer(message, cb)` successfully over 500 times a second to determine the temperature using a TMP36 analog temperature sensor wired...

Internally node-i2c uses the SMBus quick command ([i2c_smbus_write_quick]( to scan for devices, so it's similar to: ``` i2cdetect -y -q 1 ``` On the BeagleBone the following is typically used...

Which version of gcc is being used for compiling? Probably gcc7, is this correct? If so, the compiler is generating the warning because `string_size` is being cast to an `unsigned...