fission-workflows copied to clipboard
workflows api proxy assumes that workflows is in the same namespace as fission
The fission controller proxy for the workflows apiserver doesn't work if workflows is installed in a different namespace from the fission controller.
$ wfcli status
panic: unknown error (status 502): {resp:0x10a78190}
$ kubectl -n fission logs controller...
2017/10/25 15:53:42 http: proxy error: dial tcp: lookup workflows-apiserver on no such host - - [25/Oct/2017:15:53:42 +0000] "GET /proxy/workflows-apiserver/status HTTP/1.1" 502 0
To fix this, the proxy must either discover the workflows installation somehow (maybe through a configmap) or we should require workflows to be installed in the same namespace as fission (not even sure that's possible given that helm allows the user to override the installation namespace).
I'm getting a similar error as what appears here, except in the fission workflows Pod. It's running in the same namespace as the Fission controller Pod.
time="2019-02-05T19:21:49Z" level=error msg="Action '*workflow.ActionParseWorkflow' failed: failed to resolve tasks in workflow: Get http://controller.fission/v2/functions/test-create-cloud-provider?namespace=fission-function: dial tcp: lookup controller.fission on no such host" component=controller.workflow
at least this could be mentioned in fission-workflow installation guide - following guide, workflows gets installed in default namespace. Could not get workflow CLI working without digging source code and realising that workflow was expected in same namespace as fission.