react-scroll copied to clipboard
How to use scroll inside a container with overflow-x
I have a container with a horizontal list of objects
<ul className="tabs" id="container-tabs">
{{ value }) => (
<li key={value}>
I'm {value}nd tab
ul.tabs {
overflow-x: scroll;
And I'm trying to use buttons in the same container of ul.tabs
, should I use Link and Element or is that not possible? I didn't find any example
<button className="scroll-btn scroll-left">LEFT</button>
<button className="scroll-btn scroll-right">RIGHT</button>
And I didn't understand if I need to use a scrollAnimations function or use Link's and Element's
Here is my CodeSandBox
I tried to use scrollAnimation like that, but didn't work:
import * as Scroll from 'react-scroll';
let scroll = Scroll.animateScroll;
Inside the class with:
scrollMoreLeft() {
scroll.scrollMore(-100, {
containerId: "container-tabs",
duration: 100,
smooth: true
scrollMoreRight() {
scroll.scrollMore(100, {
containerId: "container-tabs",
duration: 100,
smooth: true
And on the buttons:
<button className="scroll-btn scroll-left" onClick={ scrollMoreLeft }>LEFT</button>
<button className="scroll-btn scroll-right" onClick={ scrollMoreRight} >RIGHT</button>
Is there an option to scroll horizontally instead of just on verticals?
You need to set horizontal property in options
scroll.scrollMore(100, {
containerId: "container-tabs",
duration: 100,
smooth: true,
horizontal: true
scrollMoreLeft() {
scroll.scrollMore(-100, {
containerId: "container-tabs",
duration: 100,
smooth: true,
horizontal: true