jumpy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jumpy copied to clipboard

Tactical 2D shooter in fishy pixels style. Made with Rust-lang 🦀 and Bevy 🪶

Fish Fight: Jumpy

Build Status Documentation License Discord

Fish Fight: Jumpy Preview


Fish Fight: Jumpy is a tactical 2D shooter, played by up to 4 players online or on a shared screen. Aim either left or right; the rest is up to clever movement and positioning in this fish-on-fish brawler! For more information about our origin story (Duck Game et.al.) and big-picture plans, see our design document.

Key Features (WIP)

  • 2 to 4 players in either Local Multiplayer or Online Play
  • Easy to pick up, emphasizing strategy over twitch reaction
  • Customize characters with hats, saved to your cross-platform profile
  • Create & explore user-made weapons, levels, audio and other scripted extensions
  • Smart level creation tools
  • Tournaments & matchmaking built in


The game is fully playable:



Anyone involved in the Fish Fight community must follow our code of conduct.

If you'd like to make something for Fish Fight, check out our help-wanted issues or just ask us on Discord. We'll soon post an updated roadmap for the next month or two of work ahead.

Before committing and opening a PR, please run the following commands and follow their instructions:

  1. cargo clippy -- -W clippy::correctness -D warnings
  2. cargo fmt

Learning Materials

  • https://fishfight.github.io/FishFight/
  • https://macroquad.rs/tutorials/fish-tutorial/ (outdated)
  • https://not-fl3.github.io/platformer-book/intro.html (wip)
  • https://cleancut.github.io/rusty_engine/
  • https://sokoban.iolivia.me/
  • https://pragprog.com/titles/hwrust/hands-on-rust/

Download & play

  1. Download the latest version from the releases page.
  2. Extract the archive and run the executable. (e.g. ./jumpy or jumpy.exe)


A cross-platform launcher is also available for downloading and launching the game easily.

Distro Packages

Arch Linux

pacman -S jumpy


  1. Install Rust with rustup.rs
  2. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/fishfight/jumpy.git
  3. cargo run

Default Keybindings

You can view and modify the default keybindings in config.toml.
