jscoverage copied to clipboard
jscoverage tool, written in pure js, both node or javascript support
See https://npmjs.com/advisories/534 for more information. Relates to: https://github.com/mcandre/jsfmt2/issues/1
Keep `npm test` passing, while updating debug dependency, in order to remove vulnerabilities.
See https://npmjs.com/advisories/48 for more details. Related: https://github.com/mcandre/jsfmt2/issues/1
Update uglify-js, while keeping `npm test1` passing, in order to resolve vulnerability reports associated with earlier editions of uglify-js.
v1.0 will using `esprima` replace `uglify-js`. this will be an major version. ### feature: - support es6 syntax - support `line coverage`, `block coverage`, `function coverage`, `condition coverage` - enhance...
From http://coffeescript.org/ "1.7.0 — JANUARY 28, 2014 When requiring CoffeeScript files in Node you must now explicitly register the compiler. This can be done with require 'coffee-script/register' or CoffeeScript.register(). Also...
Created processDir() function from code on the CLI
lcov can be able to report functions coverage, but JsCoverage can't be able to do it.
`"coffee-script"` dependency in `"package.json"` is currently "anything-goes", but without an explicit CoffeeScript dependency for a recent version added to my local project, I wind up with CoffeeScript v1.3.1, which does...
covout=html When you generate report from windows it's not possible to create root folder with disk name (ex: 'C:'). with relative path it's ok.