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is contribution PR auto merging? I see many PR contribution open

Open LaAltagracia opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments

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📋 Steps to solve the problem

  • Comment below about what you've started working on.
  • Add, commit, push your changes.
  • Submit a pull request and add this in comments - Addresses #<put issue number here>
  • Ask for reviews in comments section of pull request.
  • Celebrate your contribution to this project. 🎉

LaAltagracia avatar Mar 16 '23 15:03 LaAltagracia

i see many pull requests still be open along with mine ,while its all being done by auto merge bot!!

Achyut132002 avatar Jun 07 '23 04:06 Achyut132002

why its like this sir ?can you approve my contribution @LaAltagracia

Achyut132002 avatar Jun 07 '23 04:06 Achyut132002

why its like this sir ?can you approve my contribution @Roshanjossey

Achyut132002 avatar Jun 07 '23 04:06 Achyut132002

🐞 Problem

🎯 Goal

💡 Possible solutions

📋 Steps to solve the problem

  • Comment below about what you've started working on.
  • Add, commit, push your changes.
  • Submit a pull request and add this in comments - Addresses #<put issue number here>
  • Ask for reviews in comments section of pull request.
  • Celebrate your contribution to this project. 🎉

Hey @LaAltagracia, thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. The maintainer is aware of it and working to resolve it. There is a new issue open for discussion. Would you mind moving the new issue and closing this issue to make it more organized and avoid duplication?

Thanks 👍🏼

Esh07 avatar Jun 23 '23 15:06 Esh07

Hi @Achyut132002, you don't have to call anybody 'sir' here. You can use usernames to address people. Your PR is merged

Roshanjossey avatar Jul 16 '23 00:07 Roshanjossey