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Improve Catalan Readme

Open Sergih28 opened this issue 3 years ago • 12 comments

I was who created the Catalan readme a couple years ago and I can see some improvements can be done.

🐞 Problem

  • Translation can be improved
  • It has some broken links
  • It's missing some "Tutorials using other tools" pages at the end of the file

🎯 Goal Sync Catalan readme with the English one.

💡 Possible solutions

  • [ ] Update some expressions
  • [ ] Fix broken links
  • [x] Add missing "Tutorials using other tools" pages

Sergih28 avatar Sep 23 '20 12:09 Sergih28

Check my pull merge

Shyamashrita avatar Sep 23 '20 18:09 Shyamashrita

I don't know what you're trying to do here #30983 @Shyamashrita :sweat_smile:

Sergih28 avatar Sep 23 '20 18:09 Sergih28

@Sergih28, I think it was a confusion. I've updated the issue statement to include a link to help anyone looking for the translation.

@Shyamashrita, this issue is not for changing the issue template but translations/

Roshanjossey avatar Sep 23 '20 19:09 Roshanjossey

Hi, can I work on this one?

btlin1213 avatar Oct 01 '20 07:10 btlin1213

Bona vesprada els links vols dir cambiarlos per els que estan en angles o com? Com podria ajudar? Gracies

chawy11 avatar Oct 01 '20 18:10 chawy11

I only changed 1 link, I thought there were more incorrect links. It's pending to merge from that PR.

@carlos1103 La meva intenció era mirar les normes de traducció de softcatala i canviar alguna cosa, però si t'hi vols posar tu, endavant.

There's only left to do the part to improve the translations ("Update some expressions")

Sergih28 avatar Oct 02 '20 14:10 Sergih28

Hello, can I work on this one?

JiriJAdam avatar Oct 24 '20 03:10 JiriJAdam

Hi @Sergih28,

Can I help in here? Ja vaig fer algunes petites correccions al, però podria anar més enllà si tinguès clar amb quin estil ha d'estar el text. A les meves correccions vaig fer servir el plural, perquè era com estava fet el document (disposeu, feu, cloneu...) però els títols no. Potser podria unificar-ho tot, per exemple.


mancku avatar Nov 27 '20 06:11 mancku

M'agradaria revisar el text si us sembla bé! Com va dir el @mancku, si hi ha alguna guia d'estil a seguir, aniria molt bé poder tenir-la, però si no, li puc fer una ullada igualment.

anneklein7 avatar Sep 15 '22 15:09 anneklein7

@anneklein7 ja ni recordava aquesta issue 😅 el @Sergih28 mai no va dir res al respecte, així que IMO fes els canvis que trobis pertinents

mancku avatar Sep 15 '22 17:09 mancku

Hi @anneklein7, @mancku, thank you for your interest in contributing to this. There is no styleguide. The general guideline is to follow the content in English Readme. Try to address someone who is a beginner to open source. What I try to do is to explain to a younger version of myself who was new to the whole thing.

We have some design decisions we came up with in

@mancku, I'm sorry I couldn't merge I tried to get a review but it took so much time. Then we got bombarded with a lot of PRs and couldn't really manage it. That's why we had to use our bot to close a bunch of PRs. Would you be interested in reviewing Catalan translation here?

Roshanjossey avatar Sep 18 '22 17:09 Roshanjossey

Hi @Roshanjossey thank you for reaching back to us about this. #34640, and for your explanation. Sure, I'm interested in reviewing it. I think after all this time it'd be better to review that from scratch and make a new PR.

@anneklein7 jo no crec que tingui temps a fer-ho la propera setmana. Feel free si vols començar una PR

mancku avatar Sep 30 '22 08:09 mancku