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Error: A required parameter (username) was not provided as a string in getStaticPaths for /[username]/[slug]
Error: A required parameter (username) was not provided as a string in getStaticPaths for /[username]/[slug] How do I fix this issue?
I haded the same problem but when I console .log I found undefind in username and slug so I restarted firebase created a new data base and it worked try it out and let me know
Could you explain in a more detailed way, please?
yes sure when I console.log(paths) I found undefined values attributed to slug and username which caused the problem somehow so I deleted the firebase database then rerun the code and allowed to create the database again so the solutions are two either delete your database from firebase or try this code :
params: { slug : slug || null, username : username || null },
this was one of the error that gave me the idea while trying to fix it:
Error: Error serializing
returned fromgetStaticProps
in "/[username]/[slug]". Reason:undefined
cannot be serialized as JSON. Please usenull
or omit this value.
Could you please send the full [username]/[slug].js code?
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const snapshot = await firestore.collectionGroup('posts').get();
const paths = => {
const { slug, username } =;
return {
params: { slug : slug || null, username : username || null },
return {
fallback: 'blocking',
`import styles from '@styles/Post.module.css'; import PostContent from '@components/PostContent'; import HeartButton from '@components/HeartButton'; import AuthCheck from '@components/AuthCheck'; import Metatags from '@components/Metatags'; import { UserContext } from '@lib/context'; import { firestore, getUserWithUsername, postToJSON } from '@lib/firebase'; import { doc, getDocs, getDoc, collectionGroup, query, limit, getFirestore } from 'firebase/firestore'; import firebase from 'firebase/app'; import 'firebase/firestore';
import Link from 'next/link'; import { useDocumentData } from 'react-firebase-hooks/firestore'; import { useContext } from 'react';
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) { const { username, slug } = params; const userDoc = await getUserWithUsername(username);
let post; let path;
if (userDoc) { // const postRef = userDoc.ref.collection('posts').doc(slug); const postRef = doc(getFirestore(), userDoc.ref.path, 'posts', slug);
// post = postToJSON(await postRef.get());
post = postToJSON(await getDoc(postRef) );
path = postRef.path;
return { props: { post, path }, revalidate: 100, }; } export async function getStaticPaths() { const snapshot = await firestore.collectionGroup('posts').get(); const paths = => { const { slug, username } =; console.log( return { params: { slug : slug || null, username : username || null }, }; }); return { paths, fallback: 'blocking', }; }
export default function Post(props) { const postRef = doc(getFirestore(), props.path); const [realtimePost] = useDocumentData(postRef);
const post = realtimePost ||;
const { user: currentUser } = useContext(UserContext);
return ( <main className={styles.container}> <Metatags title={post.title} description={post.title} />
<PostContent post={post} />
<aside className="card">
<strong>{post.heartCount || 0} 🤍</strong>
<Link href="/enter">
<button>💗 Sign Up</button>
<HeartButton postRef={postRef} />
{currentUser?.uid === post.uid && (
<Link href={`/admin/${post.slug}`}>
<button className="btn-blue">Edit Post</button>
); }` This is my code but it doesn't work
I just had the same issue, what solved it for me...
Make sure in your subcollection (posts), the document name needs to match the slug value.
Solved it for me!
Again you have.... users -> 'UID' -> posts -> 'DOCNAMEHERE'
'DOCNAMEHERE' needs to be the same as the 'slug' field. 👍