Humm I didn't have something like this. One thing is shure, Ruby has to be 1.8.7 due to incompatible GEM's, Rake has to be at v 0.9.2 and GEM system...
When I Start the app: root@TEST-OpenWISP:/opt/owm# rake daemons:start rake/rdoctask is deprecated. Use rdoc/task instead (in RDoc 2.4.2+) DEPRECATION WARNING: Rake tasks in vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/tasks and vendor/plugins/jrails/tasks are deprecated. Use lib/tasks instead....
Like they said: > Even so, what we are currently using (and find quite stable) is the following enviroment: > Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8 ( > Apache 2.2 ( >...
> root@TEST-OpenWISP:/opt/owm# rails -v > Rails 2.3.11
I have an error with > rvm install 1.8.1 > _Edit_: rvm install 1.8.1-head works
Yep.. > root@TEST-OpenWISP:/opt/owm# ruby -v > ruby 1.8.7 (2014-01-28 patchlevel 376) [x86_64-linux]
I tryied Ruby Enterprise, but passenger will not install due to missing OpenSSL lib (wich I installed)
Warnings are gone when I start the app and seems to runn correctly (top). Do you maybe where I can find the web interface? _Edit_: I think my mistake is...
What I dont understaind is that there are no index.html or so in the public dir...
Oh, I cant downgrade to ruby 1.8.1, because bundler requires ruby 1.8.7.