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Data Transfer Object (DTO) in PHP using JSON Schema
Hey fireproofsocks, I just ran into an issue with DTO when using PHP 7.2 and the `JsonDecoder` class: `ERROR: Function create_function() is deprecated` The error stems from this method in...
Hello! I have a dto class with such schema: ```` protected $schema = [ 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => [ 'place_id' => [ 'type' => ['integer', 'null'], ], ], 'default'...
When using the `$ref` keyword and pointing to a `.json` file (e.g. a local file path), we should be able to specify relative file paths in a couple "expected" places....
Hi! I have some problems with unserialise of dto objects. It throw 'UnexpectedValueException with message 'Error at offset 0 of XX bytes'' Sample: ```php $ser = serialize(new Dto\Dto); $obj =...
maxLength => 2 Input = '的的' Length of string failed "maxLength"
More thorough array implementation would be to be able to get elements off the front or back - Pop and Shift might be implemented using offsetUnset http://php.net/manual/en/arrayobject.offsetunset.php See also http://www.onlinesmartketer.com/2009/02/07/php-clear-delete-remove-operations-on-arrayobject-class/
As a developer, I would like to have the ability to perform a prepend operation (like array_unshift) to add elements to the beginning of an array: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6875080/php-how-to-array-unshift-on-an-arrayobject ``` class ExtendedArrayObject...